Top positioning with your SEO agency Vienna

You’ve already invested in your website, but how should you reap the rewards of your labor? How can you be found on search engines?

webhead, your SEO agency in Vienna, specializes in optimizing your website for search engines and ensuring greater visibility.

Digital customers won’t simply come to you, won’t see your sign on the street, and won’t be able to find you through word of mouth if you don’t appear in search engines.

Let your customers know who you are! As an SEO agency in Vienna, we help you to bring customers to you.

Search engines must understand your website, perceive you as reputable, and categorize your content as relevant. With search engine optimization, you can do exactly that. You can also achieve a better ranking and a top position.

As an SEO team with experience, we make your digital presence visible.
Put yourself in the digital spotlight. We’ll help you do it.


Real SEO solutions with realistic results

30% of searchers click on the first search result that appears on Google and leave with a loading time of more than 3 seconds! SEO is important for your website to be found on Google and other search engines.

If the site functions technically flawlessly and contains relevant texts, this has a major advantage for you in the long term. Your website visitors will stay on your website for longer.

Google in turn interprets this as a positive signal.

As an SEO team, we focus on important goals that are achievable. We grow with the search engines, always stay up to date with the latest trends, and know exactly what is important.

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Not in the mood to read about SEO?

“Search engine optimization” – also SEO is becoming a term that many people use, wonder why?

Because SEO is one of the only long-term investments in online marketing – of course you have to continue the strategy and should not simply end it, but overall you are working regularly on your ranking.

Nowadays, almost everyone searches for their necessities and needs on the Internet, so if you appear in the first few pages of their search, you’ve already made a good start.

As an SEO agency in Vienna, we can help you understand this topic better, just watch our explanatory video. If you would like to find out more, please contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a component of search engine marketing.

You can significantly improve your Google ranking with the help of targeted SEO measures. Most Google users click on the first 5 organic search results.

What does search engine optimization involve?

The search optimization of your website includes on-page and off-page measures, professional keyword research, and the creation and targeted placement of high-quality content.

The speed of your website also plays an important role, as a fast website ensures an excellent user experience. This in turn is a positive ranking signal for Google.

Google releases numerous new algorithm updates every year that improve the search results. This is helpful for the user.

For you, this means that your website must be state-of-the-art and relevant in terms of content.

How long does SEO optimization take?

The number of hours you will need to optimize your website depends on how strong the online presence of your competitors is and what state your website is already in in terms of design and technology.

Given the occasion, it is also important to choose the right SEO agency in Vienna in order to take the right place in the ranking of local competitors in SEO in Vienna.

seo animate

SEO Vienna by webhead

Search engine optimisation consists of a harmonious interaction between websites and search engines.

Why choose webhead as your SEO agency?

We rely on in-depth expertise and years of experience. We advise our customers in detail.

We analyze your website down to the smallest detail. With the help of professional tools, we find the optimal keywords for you and work with you to develop a careful SEO Austria strategy for lasting success.

On-page SEO stands for the optimisation of content and technology on your own website. This includes optimised headings and keywords, meaningful content and technical aspects such as compressed images and a fast loading time of the website itself.

With the help of lazy loading, for example, content can only be loaded when the user actually needs it. The range of on-page SEO measures is large and offers great potential for improving website rankings.

Off-page SEO includes external measures that are useful for your website. These include, for example, natural link building and social signals.

The creation of new website content and the optimisation of existing content, which are on-page measures, mean that other websites link to your website all by themselves.

And this is only because you offer relevant content that is worth linking to.

With the help of webhead, your website will rank well in the SEO Vienna rankings, so that the competition loses out.

Our goal is to increase your website traffic in a targeted manner. With an optimised keyword strategy and content-rich texts, we attract potential customers to your site.

The first SEO measures will take full effect after around 4-10 months. If you want measurable results earlier, you can start placing search engine adverts before then.

We support you in setting up and optimising your Google Ads campaign.

Search engine optimisation from webhead includes

Sound expertise

Our team brings extensive expertise and years of experience

Detailed SEO consulting

Comprehensive advice and analysis of your website down to the smallest detail

Team work

We are a team in your project and always keep you up to date

Optimised keyword research

We use professional SEO tools to find the optimal keywords

Customised strategy

We develop a careful SEO strategy for lasting success

Organic traffic

Optimised content ensures more organic traffic and attracts potential buyers

Customised solutions

Solutions and SEO measures for individual weaknesses

Calculable costs

Transparent pricing, no hidden costs with webhead

Are you interested in search engine optimization with us? Our most popular packages are WordPress Support and SEO packages. It’s important to us that you choose the right package for your website or get one tailored to your needs. It’s worth getting in touch with us. Non-binding and free advice from our experts.

Let the world know what makes you tick!

SEO consulting from SEO experts! As a professional SEO agency, we specialise in SEO consulting Vienna, SEO optimisation and SEM. Get in touch with us!

Consultative sales amico

Thanks to webhead’s comprehensive and professional WordPress support, you can have your search engine optimisation website professionally refreshed by SEO experts on a monthly basis and also improve the technical condition of your website.

IT support with a maintenance contract



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3 important SEO measures available monthly with one click

This booster contains 3 important SEO basics: technical SEO, OnPage SEO, and OffPage SEO.

From here on webhead takes over for you!













What sets us apart

Who is webhead?

Thanks to the support and trust of our customers, we can proudly claim to be a professional IT company as SEO Agency Vienna. We are webhead and take care of everything you need for your successful online presence.

Customer satisfaction

Open and transparent communication with our customers is particularly important to us. Through the combination of appealing design and effective SEO, we sustainably increase the visibility and success of your website.


Our values

Our values as a partner are based on professionalism, personalised support, quality and customer satisfaction. We are convinced that every customer is unique and therefore deserves an individual and customised solution.

Persönliche Betreuung

Customer ratings

What our customers think of us...
19:07 24 Apr 24
So eine super Firma mit unglaublich hilfsbereiten angestellten.
Francesco De RoccoFrancesco De Rocco
12:42 24 Apr 24
Super nette und qualifiziert Leute
Pardeller JanPardeller Jan
12:23 24 Apr 24
10:58 24 Apr 24
10:54 24 Apr 24
Benjamin RiegerBenjamin Rieger
10:47 24 Apr 24
So eine gute Kundenberatung hatte ich glaube ich noch nie. Die Mitarbeiter alle so unglaublich sympathisch. Die Seite die mir erstellt wurde war unglaublich professionell, authentisch usw. Nur weiterzuempfehlen!!!
chiara riegerchiara rieger
10:32 24 Apr 24
Sehr junges und hoch motiviertes Team, die im Bereich IT wirklich professionell und erfahren sind! Alle meine Fragen wurden beantwortet & alle meine Wünsche erfüllt. Immer wieder gerne, kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!
Peter HandschuhPeter Handschuh
10:03 24 Apr 24
Super Betreuung!! Habe mein SEO bei euch seit Monaten, läuft sehr gut! Danke webhead!
Christian RathswohlChristian Rathswohl
09:09 24 Apr 24
Perfekte Betreuung, sympathisches Team und sehr professionelle Umsetzung! Danke


Popular Questions

Can you do SEO yourself?

Can you do SEO yourself? The answer is yes!

You can do SEO yourself, but you also need to know that SEO can be technically complicated.

For off-page optimization, you need to be familiar with the technical back-end of a website.

And there are many elements that play a major role in on-page optimization. Unfortunately, perfect SEO optimization cannot be achieved entirely on your own without having dealt with the basics of SEO.

What is important for SEO? Below we list the factors that are important for SEO:

Which factors are important in on-page SEO optimization include:

  • Domain name
  • Page title
  • Meta description
  • Header tags (headings)
  • Keywords, …

The factors that play a role in off-page SEO optimization include

  • Backlinks
  • Keyword relevance
  • Domain authority
  • Resource page
  • Link structure
  • Performance, …

And what is important for technical SEO:

  • Improve loading time
  • Site code optimization
  • Use cache or GZIP
  • Txt file optimization
  • Create sitemap
  • Site responsiveness

All this is important for SEO, and more!

Social signals are mentions of your website or brand on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Active management of your social media accounts with regular, new content shows Google that interaction with your users on social networks is important to you, which is of course a positive ranking signal.

Optimized content ensures more organic traffic and attracts potential buyers to your website. With a targeted SEO strategy and the use of social signals, you can sustainably increase the visibility and traffic of your website.

Take advantage of our free and non-binding consultation to get to know us as a search engine optimization agency.

No reputable SEO provider can promise you specific ranking positions on Google. The extent to which SEO measures are necessary also depends on the competition.

In highly competitive industries, it can take countless hours of work and several years to achieve top rankings.

As an SEO marketing agency, we implement all SEO measures according to the current principles of search engine optimization. If the keyword you want to rank for is less competitive, results are visible more quickly.

How you rank on Google depends on many elements! The most important of these is search engine optimization (SEO). Some of the most important factors that play a major role in good SEO optimization are

  • Extensive keyword research and insertion of good keywords
  • High-quality content/content of the website
  • Backlink analysis
  • Check the technical back-end
  • Publish only high-quality content

To rank well on Google, you generally need to familiarize yourself with the Google algorithm.

In the article “How results are automatically generated” you can read how results are automatically generated on Google and find out more about how you can rank on Google.

General Questions

How does webhead search engine optimisation work?

If you decide in favor of us after the free consultation, we will first carry out an SEO check of your website.

After you have confirmed our offer, we will carry out an on-page optimization.

After you have confirmed our offer, we will carry out an on-page optimization, analyze the headings and the structure of the source code, optimize the headings using H1, H2, and H3 tags, and so on.

We fix other errors and make strategic improvements to improve the condition of your website. This includes optimizing loading times, improving mobile usability, and fixing technical errors that could affect your ranking.

Once we have completed your project for the month, you will receive a full report documenting what has been implemented.

We normally only use white hat SEO for search engine optimization.

In very rare cases, we also use grey hat SEO.

If you are explicitly looking for black hat SEO measures, we can implement these for you, although we do not recommend them.

Numerous factors are essential for a top ranking. Here are a few tips:

  • Your hosting provider must be up to date with the latest technology. A dedicated IP is also essential
  • Avoid sharing IP addresses with other website owners
  • Your site should always be loaded via an encrypted HTTPS security protocol. On the one hand, this protects against hackers and, on the other hand, appears much more trustworthy to website visitors.

Google only wants the best for its users – slow, outdated, and insecure websites are not part of this.

Through online meetings and our professional and modern online support ticket system, we accompany you and follow up on all your inquiries and requests. This means we are always available for you and stay in contact with you!

Of course, you can also visit us in the office during the course of a project.

As mentioned above, the ranking of your website depends on numerous factors. If you want to rank for a keyword with little competition, it’s quicker.

To rank well for highly competitive keywords, significantly more effort and patience is required.

Factors such as the age of the domain, DA (Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority), website speed, and on-page optimization are essential for Google rankings.

The term “SEO” refers to “search engine optimization”. Search engine optimization helps your website to be found more easily and better on search engines.

And this plays a major role in the ranking of your website on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo …). SEO (search engine optimization) includes on-page optimization and off-page optimization.

There are many SEO measures! There is SEO on-page optimization and SEO off-page optimization.

Some elements of SEO measures (on-page and off-page) include

  • Domain name
  • Page title
  • Keywords
  • Meta Description
  • Header tags (headings)
  • An encrypted HTTPS
  • Backlinks
  • Link building
  • Link building
  • Domain and page authority
  • Increasing the reputation

There are even more measures that play a role here!

It is important to know that SEO measures consist of two basic building blocks: OnPage SEO measures and OffPage SEO measures.

Website texts are only effective in conjunction with professional keyword research. A text can sound excellent, but if the right keywords that are actively searched for by users on Google are missing, even the most impressive text is of little use.

We make sure that this doesn’t happen and that your text is both enchanting and effective. As one of Vienna’s SEO agencies, we are your personal contact and are happy to help.

WordPress SEO is search engine optimization for WordPress websites – highly optimized, with the best possible findability, and the best prospects for a good ranking!

Leave your website to us as your SEO agency in Austria. With webhead, you can improve your Internet Ranking and the visibility of your entire WordPress website.

Ready to Get Started?

Then let us talk to each other without obligation and free of charge. We will turn your idea into a concept and will be happy to advise you.

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