Support prices

WordPress costs & support | WordPress hourly packages from webhead

Do you want to appear convincing online?

In addition to our web design service, we also offer support packages and hourly packages to effectively improve your presence and security in the digital space.

Find out more about our support services and our WordPress costs here!

Pricing plans

Support & Webhead – Our hourly packages:

What are the WordPress costs at webhead? If you need additional services for your website or webshop – we can help you with our hourly packages. You can use these flexibly for any request, we offer hourly quotas (with/without commitment) and your hours don’t expire!

WordPress costs from webhead - Your advantages with our hourly packages!

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Services for which you can use our hourly packages:

For other services, please use our contact form with the keyword “hourly packages/WordPress costs”: Contact

Standard hourly rate without hourly package (or after expiry of the discounted period) €90,-.

Titel Hourly package 5 Hourly package 10 Hourly package 20
Number of hours
All services
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All services
Cost per hour

* Various services that we offer at webhead

** All prices are exclusive of 20% statutory VAT. The customer can only purchase one hourly package per order. The customer must purchase the hourly packages before the start of the service. The packages are not self-renewing, but the customer can easily reorder them by sending a short e-mail.

IT support with a maintenance contract



Clause for additional services: In the event of work expenditures exceeding the agreed services, the extraordinary additional services will be invoiced with the customer’s consent.

* All prices exclude 20% VAT. Support for homepages not created by us according to the effort. For plugin installations and setups, the effort depends on the respective plugin, if the effort does not exceed two hours.

Modern, professional and secure! With the WordPress support prices from webhead, you can refresh your website professionally on a monthly basis and prevent bugs and errors. Save yourself time and nerves and let us take over for you!

Care Website



Care Webshop
(up to 100 products)



Clause for additional services: In case of workloads exceeding the agreed services, the extraordinary additional services will be invoiced with the customer’s consent. * All prices are exclusive of 20% statutory value-added tax. Support for homepages not created by us on a time and material basis. For plugin installations and setups, the effort depends on the respective plugin, if the effort does not exceed two hours.
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Your advantages at a glance

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a must-have in terms of customizing a website. It is a high-performance open source content management system that helps the user to make the website user-friendly, simple and personal. With the help of additional WordPress plugins is their presentation and organization (content, text, images, and many more features are, for example, flexible to position) of their website in the future easy and uncomplicated to handle independently. Also a WordPress support may not be missing. This all-round support optimizes and supports their WordPress web design in all aspects such as the correction of broken links, the constant optimization of the loadability and the constant SEO optimization.

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Are you interested in a free consultation?

Would you like to find out more? Do you have a question about web design & SEO? We are happy to help you and answer all your questions. WordPress support & free WordPress advice are a matter of course for us. Benefit from the professional know-how of our experts and contact us.

WordPress Support Packages

We use for our web design WordPress, a particularly powerful content management system for websites. Our WordPress support ensures that your web design WordPress remains up to date. You no longer have to worry about bugs and errors and your safety on the web: Our WordPress support will make sure that your website works.

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Advantages and strengths of WordPress support from webhead

Our WordPress Support can be booked individually to fit your needs. No matter if you book the Ultimate Care Package or only the Support Package – we are always available for you within the Support Service, if there is a problem with the WordPress web design. In addition, you can protect yourself against the biggest security risks on the net and never miss an update.

Support for WordPress costs

Our WordPress costs are tiered in flexible and diverse subscription options. You can start with a compact package because the smallest package includes the essential security tasks for your web design WordPress. With our WordPress support packages, you can ensure on a monthly basis that your website always has the latest WordPress features. We care about making sure no bugs creep into your WordPress web design. For a secure and functioning website, it’s worth investing in these WordPress costs.

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Services of your WordPress & SEO agency at a glance

What do you focus on when you want to create a website? What is part of a first-class website for you?

webhead, as an SEO Vienna and web design Vienna agency (and full-service web agency) has all the tools you need. Your online presence, your person, or your company will benefit from your web design in Vienna & all of Austria. It should be user-friendly, simple, and appealing. For a smooth and flexible use of your website in terms of organization and systems, we are happy to recommend the WordPress web design, which is adequately supported by WordPress Plugin. With this service, you can design websites easily and individually. This should, of course, be seen, in SEO Vienna, in combination with SEO OnPage and SEO OffPage, your website is top-equipped to gain reach and generate profits. If you have an existing website, we’ll give you a free, no-obligation website and SEO analysis. To re-evaluate and optimize your goals, we also offer you a competitor analysis for your website.

WordPress web design | WordPress support | WordPress plugin | WordPress hosting | WordPress malware & virus removal | WordPress performance | WordPress maintenance and update


You can send us your support request conveniently via our contact form on our website, or contact us by email or phone contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions and requests free of charge and without obligation.

webhead offers you flexible hourly packages, with or without commitment. These packages are designed to meet your specific needs and ensure the smooth, secure functioning of your website. We can offer everything from small adjustments to your website to regular and comprehensive support.

We will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. Normally you can expect a response within hours. Depending on the problem, complexity and urgency of the request, we will endeavor to resolve and respond to your request as quickly as possible.

Installation of plugins, SEO optimizations such as OnPage SEO, OffPage SEO etc., monitoring and checking, debugs: bug fixing and troubleshooting, malware monitoring, increasing security, secure updating of your website and much more! With support, you ensure optimal performance, high security, performance speed and better ranking of your website.

Yes. The reasons for the guaranteed security provided by our WordPress support are the secure updates (updated systems, themes and plugins) and regular security checks. This is how we close the security gaps on your website, protect it from viruses and attacks, and also regularly ensure web security.

Ready to Get Started?

Then let us talk to each other without obligation and free of charge. We will turn your idea into a concept and will be happy to advise you.

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