Search Engine Optimization – Technical SEO

Lasting success with technical SEO from webhead! Not only the content, but also the technical optimization possibilities of a website are of great importance and play a major role in successful search engine optimization. Technical SEO is essential for successful SEO.

Technical SEO
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Be found with technical SEO

Month by month, the demands on websites and search engine marketing are increasing in order to climb the top positions in search engine rankings. Technical SEO, i.e. technical search engine optimization, has become an absolute must-have after on-page and off-page SEO. But what exactly is this SEO optimization, how does it work and how can I use it with Google SEO (SEO Vienna, technical SEO, WordPress SEO) and how can webhead help you with your search engine marketing?

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO deals with SEO optimization (OnPage SEO, OffPage SEO, SEO Vienna) and SEO analysis, which is not about content, but about the technical infrastructure behind the website.
The three pillars of technical optimization include making a website faster, easier to crawl and more understandable for search engines.
Technical SEO is therefore part of on-page SEO and is essential for good SEO marketing.

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Technical SEO Optimization - Why do I need it?

You could produce the most interesting and awesome content ever on your website; Content that customers would even be willing to pay for. But what if search engines cannot effectively crawl and index the website? The beautiful content remains untraceable. This is exactly where our SEO agency webhead can help you with your SEO analysis and your search engine marketing.

How can the SEO agency webhead help you with your marketing SEO?

We at the SEO agency webhead are characterized by a young, dynamic team that can help your search engine marketing with the latest tools and in-depth expertise to achieve the goals you have set yourself. Our WordPress services and SEO services are: WordPress SEO, SEO Vienna & Webdesign Wien, SEO OnPage, SEO OffPage, competitor analysis, keyword research, WordPress web design, WordPress Support, WordPress PluginContact us today for our non-binding free consultation!

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Technical SEO checklist - free, fast & non-binding

With the saying “help me to do it myself” we would like to help you in your independence. With the help of our created digital product, you can now keep a technical SEO checklist for your website! Enter your email address and receive your free technical SEO checklist within seconds.

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How does our technical SEO work?

URL structure, the backend of the website, the content of the pages and of course the search results page. Technical SEO optimization must take place at all these levels so that the website can be ranked well and used. How can our SEO agency help you with Google SEO? We have created a small guide for our technical search engine optimization:

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Technical SEO guide

How can you now carry out technical search engine optimization on your website? The following points must be observed and can lead to results that lead to great success in the ranking if the SEO analysis is carried out correctly:

The point here is to make the website more agile overall. Time means everything on the internet. Waiting times that are too long are a deterrent for customers, and Google knows that too. Those who do good marketing SEO make sure that the loading times of a website remain as low as possible, because 50% of visitors usually leave a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. How can we improve your loading time? e.g. by reducing unnecessary CSS and Javascript

  • Deleting unnecessary content
  • Improving server speed
  • Limiting the Number of HTTP requests and resource
  • Redirects elimination and reduction
  • Image optimization & size reduction
  • Website usability and functionality

Not only the speed is decisive for a good ranking and marketing SEO. A good Google SEO also considers a search engine optimization, that includes usability and functionality.

  • HTTPS is a must!
  • Creating a txt file to show Google the correct content
  • Control of indexed content
  • What about the sitemap? Everything up to date?
  • Create search engine friendly URLs
  • Is your site crawled, is it efficient?
  • Removing duplicate content and highlighting with structured data.
  • Link count limit and change if blog pages are canonicalized to blog root.
  • Make the site mobile-friendly and set up AMP for perfect Google SEO.
  • And: test, test, test! Adding breadcrumbs and testing on as many platforms and devices as possible for optimal marketing SEO.

Why is technical SEO so important?

Technical SEO can be divided into two different areas: OnPage and Offpage SEO optimization. While content may be well positioned in terms of keywords, for example, it will not guarantee much success if that content isn’t filtered as such in search engines. Both processes are required that content is guaranteed to be captured and processed in search engines in order to achieve a successful ranking.

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Our values ​​as an SEO agency

Wir, als webhead Agentur, haben die Bedeutung des SEO in der Marketing Branche erkannt und haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht sämtliche Themenbereiche rund um der Suchmaschinenoptimierung wie zB. Webdesign Wien, SEO Wien, OnPage SEO, OffPage SEO, Konkurrenzanalyse, Keyword-Recherche, WordPress Plugin, WordPress Support, WordPress Webdesign, Webdesign Wien, sowie den Traffic, Links, Content und Webseite und Keywords Optimierung in den Fokus zu stellen. Wir geben konstant unser Bestes, arbeiten ständig an der Weiterentwicklung unserer Agentur und unseren Expertisen. Wir sind ein junges, dynamisches und erfahrenes Team, welches auf Augenhöhe kommuniziert und ihnen zum Erfolg verhelfen möchte.