Everything you always wanted to know about SEO

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Everyone who runs a website wants to be at the forefront. For a higher visibility and a better ranking (listing) on Google, you need an optimal SEO. In this small SEO training you will get tips and useful links for a better optimization of your website, so that you generate more sales in the future.

What is SEO?

The abbreviation SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and means search engine optimization. SEO therefore includes all measures that are necessary to rank at all on Google and to be at the top of the list.

Why is SEO important?

With SEO, users find your website and your traffic increases. Moreover, SEO optimizes your website content, which leads to a better rating on Google and a ranking in the top places. Therefore, SEO training also makes sense.

Do all websites need SEO?

If you want your company or website to be found on the World Wide Web, you need targeted search engine optimization (SEO). Why? Because otherwise, it is not possible to prevail against its competitors, let alone be found.

The most important thing about SEO

Reasons why a website has too few or no visitors are many. The first steps for beginners who want SEO training can be found here described in detail.

  • Google Algorithm
    A Google algorithm is used to determine in which position certain web pages are displayed in Google search results. Google is constantly testing and changing its algorithm, which get names like Panda, Penguin, Bert, Hummingbird, Pigeon, Zebra etc. with every new update. This makes the search results even better for users. Therefore, it is also important to pay attention to the optimization of your website in order not to be devalued in the next Google update.
  • Technical SEO
    What is technical SEO? It includes all technical measures that can have a positive or negative impact on Google’s ranking. This includes, for example, server configuration, software, source code, and more. During SEO training, you learn among other things:
  • Improve loading time (Page Speed Optimization)
    A good loading time is under one second. Too long loading time frustrates visitors and they leave your website.
  • Site Code Optimization: This refers to the business purpose under which the
    address key was assigned. Site code optimization is important for better usability of your website.
  • Use Cache or GZIP: These tools analyze data components that occur multiple times and replace them with a reference.
  • Reduce/compress CSS and JS files: This is done by deleting unnecessary spaces, comments, and empty lines to optimize the website.
  • Robots.txt files optimization: this program – short form bot, crawler, or spider, independently searches for new content on the Internet, captures, evaluates, and indexes. In the Robots.txt the crawler is not allowed to examine certain directories, subdirectories, or individual files and are blocked for him (SEO training).
    Create sitemap: This file is used to list the individual subpages of the website – all URLs. This gives each website a structural overview of all available content. Search engines can better understand the structure of a website with sitemap.
  • Site Responsiveness: responsive web design describes how a website must be developed to display optimally on different devices.


  • On-page SEO
    On-page SEO deals with actions you can take directly on your website to get a better ranking on search engines and achieve a wider reach. To get a better ranking, you will learn to pay attention to the following factors during SEO training regarding On-Page SEO:
  • Domain name: This is one of the most important factors of all after backlinks. If you can make your keyword appear in it, you will rank better.
  • Page Title: The title of a web page is displayed at the top left of a browser’s header. It describes to users and search engines what the web page is about. Try to place your most important keyword right at the beginning of the sentence in the title. The title should not be longer than 70 characters.
  • Meta Description: This is a short description of the content of a web page that can be viewed by users during a search. There should be at least one keyword in the description. Do not exceed the length of 160 characters.
  • Header Tags (Headings): On each page, an H1 containing the most important keyword and describing the content of the page is important. H2 to H6 can contain secondary keywords (SEO training).
  • Keywords: the keyword density should not be more than 3% on a page. If it is more, you could risk SPAM penalties.
  • Off-page SEO
    Off-page SEO is all search engine optimization measures that can be done outside the website to improve Google’s ranking. This includes, for example, topic-relevant backlinks.
  • Building backlinks: This is done by building high-quality inbound links, as many as possible. A backlink is therefore a back reference from one web page to another.
  • Search Console
    Search Console is a free tool from Google for monitoring and analyzing your own website. This provides you with valuable information, e.g. how the website is viewed by Google and whether there is a need for optimization (SEO training).
How to get on the first page of Google?

It requires a lot of time, work and above all research and perseverance. Google has an interest in suggesting the best possible web pages to searchers – the most relevant ones for the keywords used. Only with sustainable search engine optimization it is possible to get into the top 5.

In any case, it is important:
  • clearly structured website
  • correct choice of keywords
  • pay attention to optimal loading time
  • determine search result at Google by yourself
  • insert meta data by yourself
  • link pages with social media profiles
  • regional findability with Google My Business
  • create unique content on all subpages
  • generate backlinks for a longer period of time through appropriate content
  • always stay technically up to date

Staying ahead of the game means ongoing SEO optimization and, most importantly, a comprehensive knowledge of it.


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