What is technical SEO? Everything you need to know

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So many websites, secret algorithms of search engines – how do you manage to stand out in the rankings? It’s not enough just to invest time in an appealing design and high-quality content. Your website must also function technically flawlessly.

What is technical SEO? Technical SEO or technical SEO is a part of search engine optimization. Technical SEO is not about the content of a website, instead the focus is placed on the technical part of a website!

For example, technical SEO is about how website users and search engine bots surf through the respective page of a website and how they navigate it.

This includes optimizing loading speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness and the correct use of structured data and XML sitemaps. All of these elements help search engines to better understand and evaluate your website.

We have summarized everything that is part of technical SEO for us below. Hopefully, this will help you with SEO optimization! 😊

SEO consulting

If you are interested in SEO consulting, please get in touch with us. We will advise you at your request. Our goal is for your website to be found on Google for your relevant keywords as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

What is technical SEO?

technisches SEO

1. definition and meaning

Technical SEO includes all measures aimed at improving the technical foundation of a website in order to optimize its visibility and performance in search engines.

This includes aspects such as optimizing the website structure, loading speed, mobile usability and security protocols.

Technical SEO is like the foundation of a house – without a foundation, nothing can really be built well on top of it. It is an important part of SEO and ensures that your website is easily accessible and user-friendly for search engines.

With good technical SEO, you ensure that search engines can easily find, crawl and index your site. Without a good technical foundation, your website cannot reach its full potential despite great content and backlinks, and will rank poorly.

2. difference between technical SEO and on-page/off-page SEO

On-page SEO is about optimizing the content and metadata on your website. This includes:

  • Keywords: Placing relevant search terms in the texts and metadata
  • .

  • Meta tags: Optimization of title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Internal links: Structured linking between the pages of your website.
  • Content quality: Creation of high-quality, relevant and informative content.
  • Image optimization: Use of alt tags and optimized image files.
  • URL structure: Clear and understandable URLs that contain keywords.

OffPage optimization is about building backlinks and increasing website authority (how reputable your website is). Off-page SEO includes:

  • Backlinks: High-quality links from other websites that point to your website
  • .

  • Social media signals: Activity and engagement on social networks.
  • Guest posts: Writing articles for other blogs and websites that link to your site.
  • Influencer outreach: Collaboration with influencers/other people who mention and link to your website.
  • Online reputation: Management of reviews and mentions on other websites and platforms.

Technical SEO is about the technical infrastructure of your website. It involves factors such as loading speed, mobile optimization, security (HTTPS), and the structure of your pages to ensure that search engines can crawl and index your content effectively. Technical SEO includes:

  • Load speedt: Optimizing page speed so that the page loads quickly
  • .

  • Mobile optimization: Ensure that your website works well on mobile devices (responsive design).
  • Security (HTTPS): Use of SSL certificates to ensure a secure connection.
  • Crawling and indexing: Optimization of robots.txt and XML sitemaps so that search engines can easily crawl your website.
  • Structured data: Implementation of schema markup so that search engines can better understand the content of your site.
  • Error fixing: Identifying and fixing 404 errors and other technical issues
  • .

By considering all three aspects of SEO optimization, you create a strong and effective SEO strategy.

Indexing the website

Indexing your website is important because it ensures that search engines can capture the content of your pages and store it in their databases. Without this, your pages cannot appear in the search results and you cannot generate any organic traffic.

What is indexability and why is it important?

Indexability refers to how well a search engine can discover, search and store the content of your website in its index.

A well-indexable website ensures that all important pages are captured by search engines and displayed in search results. If your website is not indexable, search engines will not be able to find it, which means it will not appear in search results and therefore not receive any organic traffic.

Use of meta tags such as noindex, nofollow

Meta tags are HTML elements that can give search engines instructions on how to treat certain pages. Two important meta tags are:

noindex: This tag tells search engines not to index a page. This is important for pages that you do not want to appear in the search results, such as login pages or duplicate content.

nofollow: This tag tells search engines not to follow the links on a page. It can be used to control the distribution of link juice (the inheritance of SEO value through links).

How can you use these tags? Simply add them to the header of the relevant HTML pages, for example:

What exactly does link juice mean?

Link juice refers to the SEO value that a page passes on to other pages via links.

If a page has many high-quality backlinks, it collects a lot of link juice and can pass this on to other pages to which it links.

Link juice helps to improve the ranking of pages by showing search engines that the page is trustworthy and relevant.

How to ensure that your website is indexable

1. avoid noindex tags on important pages:

Make sure that no important pages are blocked by noindex tags. Regularly check the HTML code of your pages.

2. Create an XML sitemap:

An XML sitemap lists all the important pages on your website and helps search engines to find and index them. Submit the sitemap to Google Search Console.

3. Check the robots.txt file:

Your robots.txt file should not block any important pages. Here is an example of a well-configured robots.txt file:

4. use internal links:

Make sure that all important pages are accessible via internal links. Good internal linking helps search engine bots to crawl your website efficiently.

5. Use Google Search Console:

Regularly monitor your website in Google Search Console to ensure that all important pages are indexed and to fix crawling errors.

SEO consulting

If you are interested in SEO consulting, please get in touch with us. We will advise you at your request. Our goal is for your website to be found on Google for your relevant keywords as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Optimization of website speed

How long do you give other websites a chance to load? Probably no longer than a few seconds before you move on. The same goes for visitors to your own website.

This is how important website speed is for SEO

The loading speed of your website is crucial for the user experience and has a direct impact on your SEO rankings. You don’t have more than 2 seconds!

According to studies, users leave a website after just a few seconds if it loads too slowly.

The loading speed of your website is a decisive factor for the user experience and is taken into account by search engines such as Google as a ranking factor.

Slow loading times lead to higher bounce rates, which has a negative impact on your ranking. A fast website offers a better user experience, keeps visitors on the site longer and improves conversion rates.

And that’s important for technical SEO!

Measuring website speed correctly

There are several tools that you can use to measure the loading speed of your website. Two of the best known are:

Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool offers a detailed analysis of your website’s loading speed and provides specific suggestions for improvement.

GTmetrix : Another helpful tool that measures loading speed and creates comprehensive reports on the performance of your website.

Measure website speed correctly (e.g. Google PageSpeed Insights)

To improve the loading speed of your website, you can use the following techniques:

Large image files can slow down the loading time considerably. Use tools such as TinyPNG or ImageOptim to compress images without losing quality.

Remove unnecessary characters and spaces from your CSS and JavaScript files. Tools such as UglifyJS and CSSNano can help with this.

Make sure that returning visitors load cached versions of your website to shorten the loading time. This can be done by making adjustments to your .htaccess file.

A CDN distributes your website content to different servers worldwide, which shortens loading times for users regardless of their location. Popular CDN providers are Cloudflare and Akamai.

Make sure that your web hosting service is powerful and that your server settings are optimally configured. A fast server reduces response times and improves the overall performance of your website.

Mobile friendliness

With more and more users accessing the internet via mobile devices, it is all the more important that your website is mobile-friendly. A mobile-friendly website not only improves the user experience, but is also an important ranking factor for search engines such as Google.

Why? Because it also influences the user experience (UX) as well as dwell time (how long users stay on your website) and bounce rates (when they leave)!


A website is mobile-friendly if it works and looks just as good on mobile devices as it does on desktops.

Here are important features of a mobile-friendly website:

Responsive design

  • Automatic adaptation: The layout automatically adapts to different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Flexible images: Images and media content scale according to the screen size.

Fast loading times

  • Optimized images: Use compressed and optimized images to reduce loading time.
  • Low file size: Minimize CSS, JavaScript and HTML files.

Easy navigation

  • Touch-friendly elements: Buttons and links are large enough to be easily operated with a finger.
  • Intuitive menus: Clear and simple menu structures that work well on small screens.

Readable content

  • Large fonts: Sufficiently large fonts to be able to read the text without zooming.
  • Contrasts: High contrast between text and background for better readability.

Avoid Flash

  • Flash-free content: Avoid using Flash, as many mobile devices do not support Flash.

Interactive elements

  • Forms: Forms should be easy to fill out, with large input fields and easy-to-click buttons.
  • Videos: Videos should be in formats that can be played on mobile devices and have an adaptive resolution.

Why the mobile-friendliness of your website is so important

  • Higher search engine ranking: Google favors mobile-friendly websites and considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor.
  • Improved user experience: A mobile-friendly website offers a better user experience, resulting in longer visit times and lower bounce rates.
  • Expanded reach: With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website allows you to reach a larger audience.

Perform Google's Mobile-Friendly Test

  • Access the test: Visit the Mobile-Friendly Test page.
  • Enter URL: Enter the URL of your website and start the test.
  • Analyze results: The test shows you whether your website is mobile-friendly and gives you concrete suggestions for improvement.

Perform Google's Mobile-Friendly Test

  • Responsive design: Make sure your website looks and works well on all devices by using a responsive design.
  • Mobile-friendly navigation: Use clear, easy-to-use menus and buttons that work well on small screens.
  • Fast loading times: Optimize the loading times of your website by compressing images, removing unnecessary scripts and improving server response time.
  • Avoid Flash: Do not use Flash content, as many mobile devices do not support Flash.
  • Touch-friendly elements: Use larger buttons and sufficient space between the interaction elements to ensure easy operation on touchscreens.

Insider tip

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages): Use AMP to load mobile pages faster. AMP is an open-source framework specifically designed to accelerate mobile websites. Mobile-friendliness is crucial for a positive user experience and better search engine rankings.

SEO consulting

If you are interested in SEO consulting, please get in touch with us. We will advise you at your request. Our goal is for your website to be found on Google for your relevant keywords as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!


Security on the internet is a big issue, and SSL certificates play an important role in this. A secure connection not only protects users’ data, but also improves the trust and credibility of your website.

Technical SEO takes these aspects into account by ensuring that websites use HTTPS and SSL certificates are implemented correctly.

What is SSL and why is it important for SEO?

  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): SSL encrypts the data transfer between the user and the website, which increases security.
  • HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure): HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP and uses SSL to transfer data securely.
  • SEO benefits: Google favors secure websites and marks insecure websites as “not secure”, which can have a negative impact on rankings.

How to switch your website from HTTP to HTTPS

  • Buy SSL certificate: Buy an SSL certificate from a trustworthy provider (e.g. Let’s Encrypt, DigiCert).
  • Install the certificate: Install the SSL certificate on your web server. Most hosting providers offer instructions or support.</li
  • Change internal links: Update all internal links and resources (images, scripts) from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • 301 redirects: Reroute HTTP traffic to HTTPS via 301 redirects to ensure that users and search engines use the secure version of the website.
  • Update Google Search Console: Update your website property in Google Search Console to track the HTTPS version.

Common problems and how to solve them

  • Mixed content: Make sure that all elements of the website (images, scripts, stylesheets) are loaded via HTTPS to avoid warnings.
  • Expired certificate: Check the validity of your SSL certificate regularly and renew it in good time.
  • Redirect errors: Test the 301 redirects to ensure that all pages are correctly redirected from HTTP to HTTPS.

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

Use HSTS to ensure that browsers always use the HTTPS version of your website.

What is HSTS?

HSTS stands for HTTP Strict Transport Security and is a web security mechanism that ensures that browsers can only access your website via HTTPS.

It is therefore a security mechanism that automatically redirects HTTP connections to HTTPS and blocks insecure connections, protects against man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures that all connections are encrypted.

XML sitemaps

What is an XML sitemap and why is it important?

An XML sitemap is a file that helps search engines understand the structure of your website and efficiently crawl and index all important pages. It contains a list of all URLs of your website as well as additional information such as modification date and priority of the pages.

A well-maintained XML sitemap improves indexing, technical SEO and the ranking of your website in search engines.


  • Improved indexing: Ensures that all important pages are found by search engines.
  • Crawling efficiency: Search engines can crawl your website more efficiently.
  • Prioritization: Helps search engines recognize the most important pages of your website.

Create and submit XML sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file that contains a list of all the pages on a website. It helps search engines to understand the structure of the website and index all pages efficiently.

Creating the sitemap

  • Tools: Use tools such as Yoast SEO (for WordPress), Screaming Frog or online generators.
  • Content: Make sure the sitemap contains all important pages and has no broken links.

Submission to search engines

  • Google Search Console: Go to your Search Console, navigate to “Sitemaps” and submit the URL of your sitemap.
  • Bing Webmaster Tools: Log in and submit the sitemap under “Configure My Site” > “Sitemaps”.

Tips for maintaining XML sitemaps

  • Regular updates: Keep the sitemap up to date by adding new pages and removing deleted pages.
  • Prioritization: Mark important pages with high priority.
  • Error-free: Avoid duplicate URLs and errors in the sitemap.

Sitemap index: Create a sitemap index if you have a large website. A sitemap index can contain multiple sitemaps and makes management and overview easier.

Technical SEO plays an important role because it structures the sitemap index correctly and captures all relevant pages.

This in turn improves the efficiency of search engine crawling processes and optimizes the indexing of your website.

Structured data and schema markup

technisches SEO

Structured data are standardized formats for providing information about a page and classifying its content. Schema markup is a type of structured data that enables search engines to better understand the content and display it in search results.

Important for technical SEO: Structured data improves the presentation of your website in search results and increases the click-through rate.

Advantages of using schema markup for SEO:

  • Rich snippets: Improved presentation in search results through additional information such as reviews, prices or event data.
  • Better visibility: Higher visibility and potentially higher click-through rate in search results.
  • Better understanding: Search engines can better understand the content of your page and index it correctly.

How you should use structured data on your website:

1. Select schema: Determine the relevant schema tags for your content, such as Product, Recipe or Event.

2. Insert the markup: Add the markup to the HTML pages. This can be done manually or with the help of plugins and tools.

3. Testing: Use the Rich Results Test to check the implementation of the structured data and ensure that it is recognized correctly.

4. Submit: Submit the page to Google Search Console to ensure that Google recognizes and uses the new structured data.

JSON-LD: Use JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) for the implementation of structured data. It is easier to implement and preferred by Google.

SEO consulting

If you are interested in SEO consulting, please get in touch with us. We will advise you at your request. Our goal is for your website to be found on Google for your relevant keywords as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Canonical tags

Canonical tags are HTML elements that help webmasters avoid duplicate content by telling search engines which version of a URL is the main version.

This prevents search engines from indexing the same content via different URLs and rating your website poorly.

What are canonical tags and why are they important?

A canonical tag is an HTML link element with the attribute rel=”canonical” that refers to the preferred version of a page.

Canonical tags help search engines understand which version of a page is the main version. This prevents duplicate content issues and improves SEO performance.

Purpose: Avoid duplicate content and help search engines understand which version of a page should be indexed and displayed.

How to use canonical tags correctly:

1. Inserting the canonical tag: Add the canonical tag in the <head> section of the HTML page.

2. Linking: Link to the main version of the URL to avoid duplicate content.

3. Verification: Make sure that any page that has similar content correctly links to the canonical URL.

Common mistakes with canonical tags and how you can avoid them

  • Missing canonical tags: Always use canonical tags, especially for similar content.
  • Wrong URLs: Make sure the URL in the canonical tag is correct.
  • Inconsistent tags: Avoid different canonical tags for similar page content.

Canonical tags prevent duplicate content and improve the SEO performance and technical SEO of your website.

URL structure

A clean and SEO-friendly URL structure contributes significantly to the findability of your website. What’s more: A well thought-out URL structure improves the user experience and the ranking of your pages in search engines.

Importance of a clean and SEO-friendly URL structure

Readability: SEO-friendly URLs are easier to read and understand for both users and search engines. They give an immediate indication of the content of the page.

Relevance: Clear and descriptive URLs signal to both users and search engines the relevance of the page for specific search queries.

Click-through rate: User-friendly URLs can increase the click-through rate in search results as they appear trustworthy and informative to users.

Create SEO-friendly URLs

Use keywords correctly

  • Relevant keywords: Integrate relevant keywords into your URLs to make the search engines aware of what the page is about.
  • Don’t overdo it: Avoid keyword stuffing. The URL should remain natural and understandable.

Short and concise

  • Short URLs: Keep the URLs as short as possible without leaving out important information.
  • Avoid stop words: Words such as “and”, “or”, “but” can often be omitted to shorten the URL.

Use hyphens

  • Separate words: Use hyphens (-) to separate words, as search engines treat hyphens as word separators.
  • No underscores: Avoid underscores (_) as they are not recognized by search engines as word separators.

Lowercase letters

  • Consistency: Use only lowercase letters in URLs to ensure consistency and avoid confusion.

Avoid special characters

  • Simplicity: Avoid using special characters such as &, %, $, as they make the URL confusing and can cause problems.

This is how you should handle URL changes and redirects

301 redirects

  • Permanent redirects: Use 301 redirects when changing the URL structure to ensure that users and search engines are directed to the correct page.
  • SEO benefits: 301 redirects transfer the link juice from the old URL to the new URL, which maintains SEO integrity.

Update internal links

  • Correct linking: Ensure that all internal links are updated according to the new URL structure to avoid broken links.
  • Automation: Use plugins or tools to make it easier to update internal links.

Review and testing

  • Testing: Test all redirects to ensure they are working correctly and users are not landing on error pages.
  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor the URLs of your website to ensure that there are no incorrect redirects.

Secret tip: Slug optimization: Make sure that the slug (the part of the URL that comes after the domain name) is clear and descriptive. Avoid unnecessary numbers and symbols to increase readability.

Importance: A well-structured URL improves the user experience and search engine ranking. It ensures that your content is easy to find and understand, which increases both the visibility and accessibility of your website.

Example of a clean URL structure

404 errors and redirects

404 errors are a common cause of poor user experience and can also have a negative impact on your website’s SEO ranking and technical SEO.

It’s important to identify and fix these errors and set up correct redirects to ensure users always find the desired content.

Effects of 404 errors on SEO

User experience: 404 errors frustrate users and lead to a poor user experience, increasing the likelihood that they will leave the website.

Ranking loss: Frequent 404 errors signal to search engines that the website is poorly maintained, which can lead to a loss of ranking.

Loss of link juice: When external links point to a page that returns a 404 error, the potential link juice is lost.

How to find and fix 404 errors

Google Search Console

  • Report crawl errors: Use Google Search Console to identify crawl errors and 404 pages.
  • Fix errors: Analyze the errors and fix them by correcting the affected URLs or setting up appropriate redirects.

Crawling tools

  • Screaming Frog: Use Screaming Frog to crawl your website and identify broken links.
  • Site Audit Tools: Use tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush to perform a comprehensive analysis of your website and find 404 errors.

Custom 404 page

  • Informative 404 page: Create a custom 404 page to help users find the content they want. Add links to important pages and a search function.
  • Branding: Design the 404 page in the same style as the rest of the website to keep the branding consistent.

SEO consulting

If you are interested in SEO consulting, please get in touch with us. We will advise you at your request. Our goal is for your website to be found on Google for your relevant keywords as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Set up redirects correctly

301 redirects

  • Permanent redirects: Use 301 redirects to redirect users and search engines from old or broken URLs to new, relevant pages. This transfers link juice and maintains SEO ranking.
  • Automated tools: Use plugins or server configuration files such as .htaccess to efficiently set up 301 redirects.

302 redirects

  • Temporary redirects: Use 302 redirects only when a page has been temporarily moved and will be available again soon. Note that 302 redirects do not transfer link juice.

Regular review

  • Monitoring: Monitor redirects regularly to ensure they are working correctly and no chain redirects are occurring.
  • Update: Update redirects as needed, especially if the URL structure changes or content is moved.

Broken Link Checker

Use a broken link checker to regularly check for broken links on your website and fix them quickly. This helps to improve the user experience and SEO ranking.

Duplicate content is a common problem in SEO and can significantly affect the performance of your website. They occur when identical or very similar content is accessible under different URLs.

Search engines have difficulty deciding which version should be indexed, which can lead to split link juice and potential ranking losses.

What is duplicate content and why is it a problem for SEO?

  • Definition: Duplicate content is identical or very similar content that appears on different URLs within the same domain or on different domains.
  • SEO problems: Search engines may have difficulty deciding which version of the content to index. This leads to a dilution of link juice and can worsen the ranking of all affected pages.
  • User experience: Users can become confused when they encounter multiple versions of the same content, resulting in a poor user experience.

How to find and prevent duplicate content

Use tools

  • Copyscape: Use Copyscape to find duplicate content on the internet.
  • Siteliner: Use Siteliner to identify duplicate content on your own website.
  • Google Search Console: Check Google Search Console for crawl errors and duplicate metadata.

Set canonical tags

  • Canonical tags: Use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page and help search engines recognize and avoid duplicate content.

301 redirects

  • Permanent redirects: Use 301 redirects to redirect users and search engines from duplicate URLs to the main URL.

Consistent internal linking

  • Internal links: Ensure that all internal links point to the canonical version of the page to maintain consistency.

What do you do if you discover duplicate content?

Analyze the duplicate content

  • Find out the reason: Find out why duplicate content exists, e.g. through URL parameters, session IDs or print versions of the pages.

Remove the duplicate content

  • Canonical tags: Set canonical tags on the duplicate pages to link to the main page.
  • 301 redirects: Set up 301 redirects from the duplicate pages to the main page.
  • Noindex tags: Use noindex tags on the duplicate pages if you don’t want them to be indexed.

Content strategy

  • Create unique content: Create unique content for each page to avoid the duplicate content problem.
  • Revise and consolidate: Revise and consolidate similar content into a single, comprehensive page.

Parameter handling in the Google Search Console

Configure the parameter handling settings in Google Search Console to ensure that URL parameters do not lead to duplicate content.

Example of how to fix duplicate content:

International SEO

International SEO refers to optimizing your website for different countries and languages. This is important to reach a global audience and rank well in different regions.

Use hreflang tags correctly

  • Hreflang attribute: Set the Hreflang attribute to tell search engines which language and country versions of a page exist.
  • Correct syntax: Make sure that the hreflang tags are correct and point to the appropriate pages.
  • Verification: Use tools such as the hreflang tag checker to ensure that the tags are implemented correctly.

Correctly addressing target groups in several languages and regions

  • Localized content: Make sure that the content is in the respective language and adapted to the cultural characteristics.
  • Local keywords: Research and use local keywords for the different regions.
  • Ttechnical implementation: Implement hreflang tags and ensure that the server settings are optimized for the different regions.
  • Importance: International SEO is crucial to reach a broad target group and improve the visibility of your website worldwide.


Monitoring and testing of technical SEO

Technical SEO is a continuous process that requires regular monitoring and testing to ensure that your website is performing optimally and ranks well in search engine rankings.

Correctly monitor technical SEO with these tools (e.g. Google Search Console, Screaming Frog)

Here are some important tools that can help you.

1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is an indispensable tool for monitoring technical SEO. It offers a variety of functions to identify and fix crawling errors, indexing problems and security issues.

  • Crawling errors: Check whether search engines can access all pages of your website and find out which URLs are returning errors.
  • Indexing problems: Analyze which pages have been indexed and which have not. Find and fix issues that prevent indexing.
  • Security issues: Receive notifications about security issues such as malware and phishing attempts on your website.

2. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a powerful tool that allows you to analyze your website in detail. It helps to identify and fix technical SEO issues.

  • Website crawling: Screaming Frog crawls your website and identifies technical issues such as broken links, duplicate content, missing meta descriptions and much more.
  • Page title and meta data analysis: Check and optimize page titles, meta descriptions and headings to ensure they comply with SEO guidelines.
  • Export data: Export the collected data to CSV files for further analysis and reporting.

3. SEMrush and Ahrefs

SEMrush and Ahrefs are comprehensive SEO tools that help you find and fix technical SEO issues. Both tools offer detailed SEO audits and other useful features.

  • SEO audits: Perform comprehensive SEO audits to identify technical issues that could be affecting your website’s performance.
  • Backlink analysis: Analyze your website’s backlink profile and identify harmful links that should be removed or disavowed.
  • Keyword research: Find relevant keywords and analyze their competitiveness to optimize your content accordingly.
  • Linking tools: Link Google Search Console with other SEO tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs for more comprehensive analysis and reporting.


What is a technical SEO audit?

A technical SEO audit helps you to understand the problems of your website “behind the scenes” (technically). In particular, the problems that have an impact on the search engine ranking, such as website speed (PageSpeed), indexing and backlinks, duplicate content, errors in codes and website structure issues.

A technical SEO audit gives you a complete overview of all factors that have an impact on the page ranking of your website.

Technical SEO audit: How you can do it

  • Website crawling: Use a crawling tool to analyze your entire website and identify technical issues.
  • On-page analysis: Check page titles, meta descriptions, headings and content for optimization opportunities.
  • Backlink analysis: Analyze your backlinks and identify harmful links that should be removed or disavowed.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Check the mobile-friendliness of your website and implement any necessary changes.

With the help of a technical SEO audit, you can take the best measures to improve your search engine ranking.

Tips for regular maintenance and monitoring

  • Regular audits: Conduct regular technical SEO audits to ensure your website is performing optimally.
  • Tracking updates: Keep up to date with changes and updates in search engine guidelines.
  • Monitoring tools: Use monitoring tools to continuously monitor your website’s performance and fix problems immediately.

Regular monitoring and audits are crucial to ensure that your website is technically functioning properly and remains successful in search engine rankings.

SEO consulting

If you are interested in SEO consulting, please get in touch with us. We will advise you at your request. Our goal is for your website to be found on Google for your relevant keywords as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!


What is technical SEO?

In a nutshell: Technical SEO is about the technical parts of a website and refers to all the factors that Google and other search engines use to index and rank a website.

Technical SEO is so important because it is comparable to the foundation of a house. Fixing technical issues on a website and optimizing technical factors speeds up the SEO optimization process tremendously and helps your website ranking. One of the most important technical SEO activities is conducting a technical SEO audit on your website.

With a technical SEO audit, SEO specialists use a checklist to check and improve the technical elements and technical factors of a website in the background. This review and improvement improves and optimizes the placement/ranking of the website in search engines!


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