WordPress SEO für Anfänger: Tipps & Tricks, besser zu ranken

WordPress SEO for beginners: tips & tricks to rank better

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WordPress SEO, also known as search engine optimization for WordPress websites, is an important aspect of online marketing. The right SEO strategy offers you the chance to improve your ranking and increase your reach. In this blog, we list a few tips and tricks to help you rank better with your WordPress website.

Check your visibility settings

Without indexing, there is no chance of appearing in the search results! Checking the visibility settings is important! Check them to see if your website can be found and indexed by search engines like Google. Check whether the "Search engine visibility" option is deactivated under "Settings > Read" in your WordPress dashboard.

Choose an SEO-friendly theme

Choose an SEO-friendly theme! The reasons why an SEO-friendly theme is important are:

  1. Fast loading times
    SEO-friendly themes are optimized for fast loading times!
  2. Code
    A well-coded theme makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your website.
  3. Responsive web design
    As more and more users access the internet via mobile devices, search engines prefer websites that work smoothly on all devices.
  4. SEO features & tools
    Many SEO-friendly themes offer built-in SEO tools or are compatible with many SEO plugins!
Pay attention to URLs and LINKS!

  • Use URLs correctly by using short URLs that contain keywords.
  • Avoid unnecessary words: Keep your URLs short and focus on the most important words.
  • Structure: A logical structure that organizes your content improves the user experience and helps search engines understand it.
Pay attention to the content - WordPress SEO content marketing

Create high-quality content! Create detailed, informative and unique content that offers real added value. Good content is shared and linked to more often, which increases visibility and boosts traffic! Good content also keeps more visitors on your website, which signals to search engines that your website is good. Provide good content on a regular basis to ensure that search engines and users visit your website more often.

WordPress SEO: Keywords and images

Optimize all images on your website and use the right keywords that appeal to your target group! By using relevant keywords in titles, headings, meta descriptions, and in the content of your posts and pages, you can increase the ranking of your website for certain search queries. This helps search engines understand what your WordPress website is about. This way, when your target audience searches for certain phrases, they will search for you and you will rank better. Images can not only make your website more visually appealing but also improve your WordPress SEO if they are optimized correctly: By reducing the file size, for example, you can ensure that your website loads faster. This in turn has a positive impact on your user experience and your SEO ranking! Image content, text, and quality: it all plays a major role!

Use internal linking

The use of internal links is extremely important! Internal links help to strengthen the structure of your website and help search engines like Google to better understand the thematic context of your content. They also improve the user experience by making navigation easier! Attention: But don't use too many links!


SEO is an ongoing process that requires patience and perseverance. With these tips and tricks, you can lay the foundation for a successful SEO strategy on your WordPress website.

This article provides a basic overview of SEO practices for WordPress beginners. By following these tips and continuously working on your website, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in the search engines. Remember that SEO is a long-term investment and results don’t come overnight. Stay tuned, stay current, and adjust your strategies to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms.

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