What is technical SEO?

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What is the technical SEO? The technical SEO or technical SEO is a part of the search engine optimization. Technical SEO is not about the content of a website, instead it focuses on the technical part of a website! For example, technical SEO is about how website users and search engine bots surf through and navigate the particular page of a website. With a technical SEO audit, SEO specialists use a checklist to review and improve the technical elements and technical factors of a website in the background. This review and improvement improves and optimizes the website’s search engine placement/ranking! Technical SEO is also about supporting engine spiders and indexing the website to improve the organic website ranking.

Was ist ein technisches SEO Audit?

A technical SEO audit helps you to understand the “behind the scenes” (technical) problems of your website. In particular, the problems that have an impact on search engine rankings, such as website speed (PageSpeed), indexing and backlinks, duplicate content, errors in codes and website structure issues. A technical SEO audit gives you a complete overview of all factors that have an impact on the page ranking of your website. With the help of a technical SEO audit you can take the best measures to improve your search engine ranking.


What is technical SEO? In a nutshell: Technical SEO is about the technical parts of a website and refers to all the factors that Google and other search engines use to index and rank a website. Technical SEO is so important because this is comparable to the foundation of a house. Fixing technical problems of a website and optimizing technical factors speeds up the SEO optimization process tremendously and helps your website ranking. One of the most important technical SEO activities is to perform a technical SEO audit on your website. As a professional SEO agency, we will be happy to advise you on SEO optimization and answer all your questions.

Does your website need an SEO analysis incl. SEO consulting? You can now benefit from our free and no obligation SEO analysis and receive a free report within days!

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