WordPress Betreuung – Ein Muss für sichere Websites!

WordPress support – A must for secure websites!

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What is important for the security, performance, and long-term success of your website? WordPress support! Professional WordPress support is the be-all and end-all for the long-term success and security of your website. Why is that? Find out the reasons here!

What does WordPress support include?

Maintaining a WordPress site involves a variety of maintenance tasks:

  • Updates: Regular updates of the WordPress core, plugins, and themes
  • Backups: Daily backups of your website data, or monthly backups (depending on the size of your website)
  • Security: Security measures using modern tools, such as security checks and malware scans
  • Performance: Performance optimization, caching, and image optimization
  • Support: Access to technical support and advice. Of great importance in the event of problems and further development

That's why WordPress support is so important!

Regular updates of WordPress core, themes, and plugins are extremely important to close security gaps and ensure a secure website that works. Updates usually provide patches for known security vulnerabilities and bug fixes that can reduce the risk of attacks. In addition, updates can also provide new features and performance improvements that greatly enhance the user experience on your website. Updates and regular maintenance routines provide your website with certain stability and security so that it functions securely in the long term.

Manage it yourself or commission a service provider?

While some website owners take care of their WordPress site themselves, many opt for professional support. The reasons for this are The necessary technical know-how, tools, and resources that providers have, not to mention the experience to optimally support your website. This saves you time, avoids errors and malware, and ensures the security and performance of your website. When choosing the right provider, pay attention to factors such as server location, data security, scalability, and user ratings.

Do WordPress support yourself: Pay attention to these factors!

  • Backup and disaster recovery plans: your safety nets
    Good WordPress support also includes setting up reliable backup and disaster recovery systems. The reason for this is to ensure that your website is always secure and protected against unforeseen data loss or downtime. Regular backups of your data, including files, databases, and configuration settings, are important so that you can restore your website in the event of an emergency.
  • Monitoring, IT support, and plugins
    Continuous monitoring and maintaining website stability are other factors that help you to identify and resolve potential problems at an early stage. Regularly checking logs, fixing error messages, and optimizing loading times are important steps! IT support tools and security plugins can help you enormously here. Security plugins such as Wordfence, Sucuri, and iThemes Security offer threat monitoring, malware detection, and website security features. In addition, performance plugins such as W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket, and Autoptimize can help to improve the loading times of your website and optimize website performance.

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