

Often, factors such as user-friendliness (usability) are forgotten when having a website created. Questions like “How difficult is it to navigate your website? Do the colors of your website make it difficult to read? Can users with visual or hearing...

A must! WordPress maintenance includes regularly updating WordPress core, themes and plug-ins. This is how you close security gaps....
Web hosting: One of the first decisions for your website, and also one of the most important! Find out everything...
WP Support: Optimize WordPress performance, minimize security vulnerabilities and protect your website from viruses and cyberattacks in the long term...
Get search engine optimization right! Optimize your WordPress website: The ultimate guide to SEO-friendly URL structures...
Interested in a WordPress website? We have summarized the top 20 most popular WordPress websites and their features for you...

Techniques for improving web accessibility Web accessibility is closely linked to the rise of the internet and requires that all...

Have website created with the help of WordPress plugins! Most often, when creating a WordPress website, you come across the...

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