WordPress Websites: Ein Universum der Möglichkeiten

WordPress Websites: A universe of possibilities

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WordPress is not just a simple tool for creating blogs, but a versatile platform that supports a wide range of website types. Whether you run a small business, operate an online store, or provide educational services, WordPress offers solutions for almost all your web design needs. Let’s dive into the world of different websites you can design with WordPress.

Why WordPress websites are essential for your business

In a digitalized world, a strong online presence is essential for any business. WordPress, as one of the most popular content management systems, plays a central role in this. Over 409 million people read WordPress blogs every month, and over 75 million websites, including many business sites, use this versatile system. But what makes WordPress so special and why should you consider it for your business?

Versatility and adaptability

Whether it’s a corporate website, an e-commerce store, a portfolio, a news and magazine website, or even a non-profit website, WordPress offers the flexibility you need. WooCommerce, an extension for WordPress, has a market share of about 28% in global e-commerce, which highlights the power of WordPress in online commerce. Portfolios based on WordPress achieve an average conversion rate of 7-8%. For news and magazine websites, WordPress is equally suitable, as fast loading times and mobile optimization are easily achievable.

The top 20 WordPress websites at a glance


Notes: Ideal for content marketing and storytelling.
Considerations: Consistent content and SEO are crucial.
Hard Facts: Over 409 million people read WordPress blogs monthly.

Corporate Website

Notes: Represents your brand online.
Considerations: Professional design and clear user navigation are essential.
Hard Facts: There are over 75 million corporate websites.

E-Commerce Website

Notes: Selling products or services online.
Considerations: Security and user experience are crucial.
Hard Facts: WooCommerce holds a global e-commerce market share of around 28%.


Notes: Presents works and projects.
Considerations: High-quality images and a clear layout are important.
Hard Facts: Portfolios have an average conversion rate of 7-8%.

News and Magazine Website

Notes: For current news and articles.
Considerations: Fast loading times and mobile optimization are crucial.
Hard Facts: WordPress news sites reach millions of readers worldwide.

Nonprofit Website

Notes: For NGOs and charitable organizations.
Considerations: Transparent representation of goals and donation options.
Hard Facts: Online donations have significantly increased in recent years.

Member/Community Site

Notes: For forums and member networks.
Considerations: Data privacy and community management are important.
Hard Facts: Over 20% of the top 100 websites worldwide are community sites.

Event Website

Notes: For event promotion and organization.
Considerations: Clear information and easy ticket booking are important.
Hard Facts: Event websites often generate 60-70% of their visitors through mobile.

Virtual Training Website

Notes: Online courses and e-learning.
Considerations: Interactive learning materials and user-friendliness.
Hard Facts: The e-learning market is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025.

Reservation and Appointment Website

Notes: For reservations and bookings.
Considerations: Easy scheduling and booking processes.
Hard Facts: Over 70% of customers prefer online bookings.

Travel and Tourism Website

Notes: For travel information and bookings.
Considerations: Inspiring content and user-friendly booking options.
Hard Facts: Approximately 82% of travel bookings occur without human contact.

Health and Fitness Website

Notes: For gyms and health advice.
Considerations: Clear service overview and authenticity.
Hard Facts: Over 75% of health inquiries start with search engines.

Personal Brand

Notes: For influencers and experts.
Considerations: Personal story and authenticity.
Hard Facts: Personal branding can increase conversion rates by up to 10%.

Restaurant Website

Notes: For menus and online orders.
Considerations: Visual presentation of dishes and easy navigation.
Hard Facts: Approximately 85% of consumers search online for restaurants.

Job Board

Notes: For job listings and career opportunities.
Considerations: Clear presentation and easy application processes.
Hard Facts: 60% of job searches are conducted on mobile.

Real Estate Website

Notes: For property listings and management.
Considerations: High-quality images and clear property information.
Hard Facts: Over 90% of real estate searches begin online.

Music Website

Notes: For musicians and bands.
Considerations: Audio integration and event calendar.
Hard Facts: Music websites typically attract 15% more visitors during event times.

Technical Support Website

Notes: For FAQs and customer support.
Considerations: Clear information and easy contact options.
Hard Facts: Over 50% of customers prefer online self-help tools.

Legal Website

Notes: For law firms and legal consultations.
Considerations: Serious design and clear service descriptions.
Hard Facts: Over 70% of law firms generate new cases through their website.

Cooking and Recipe Website

Notes: For recipes and cooking instructions.
Considerations: High-quality images and user-friendly instructions.
Hard Facts: This type of website is highly popular, especially during increased

Our other WordPress services

WordPress offers a comprehensive package for online success, starting with specialized hosting that provides improved load times, reliability, and security, complemented by automatic updates and backups. Your website’s performance is boosted by numerous optimization tools, which is especially crucial for news and event websites. The WordPress community offers extensive support to help with technical issues, design questions, or marketing strategies. For the security of your website, there are various plugins and tools to defend against malware and viruses, with specialized services for their removal in case of a security incident. The SEO-friendliness of WordPress, supported by plugins such as Yoast SEO, improves your website’s visibility and reach, which is crucial since a large part of online requests start from search engines.


WordPress offers a comprehensive and versatile platform that is suitable for almost any type of website. With features like specialized hosting, high performance, reliable support, robust security measures, and excellent SEO capabilities, WordPress is an excellent choice for your business.

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The services of webhead include Webdesign Vienna, WordPress Webdesign, WordPress Support, Webdesign Redesign, Webshop, WordPress Plugin, SEO Vienna, SEO OnPage Optimization, SEO OffPage Optimization, SEO Competitor Analysis, SEO Keyword Research, technical SEO, and WordPress SEO.


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