Everything you need to know about website creation pricing

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Have a website created in Vienna & prices: cost trap or bargain in Vienna? What you need to know!

Website – How important can that be? Designing an attractive, informative, and user-friendly website not only represents a digital business card but also represents a powerful marketing tool that increases the company’s efficiency in many ways.

Advantages of websites

Having a website created in Vienna: Advantages

Expanding the reach
The Internet offers companies the opportunity to present their products and services worldwide. A website can continually attract qualified customers through search engine optimization (SEO) and other digital marketing efforts.

Credibility and professionalism
A well-designed website is an important factor in a company’s credibility. In the age of information gathering, reviews, and recommendations, where searches for information, reviews, and recommendations on the Internet are increasing, a high-quality website can provide a decisive competitive advantage.

Customer loyalty
The website offers companies the opportunity to establish a direct communication channel with their customers. The newsletter marketing efforts, blogs, testimonials, and customer reviews are just some of the means to increase sales. A website enables the collection of valuable data that can be used to improve products and services.

Cost efficiency
Additionally, it offers the ability to analyze and adjust marketing campaigns in real time to achieve higher returns.

Flexibility and scalability
Websites offer great flexibility and can be easily updated or expanded to add new products, services, or information. Adapting to market changes is particularly important for fast-growing companies or start-ups.

In our digital world, a professional website is an essential requirement to remain competitive. Competition that does not have an online presence will be overtaken by better-connected and digitally savvy rivals. The absence of a company website in the digital era can jeopardize the company’s long-term survival.

How much does a professional website cost?

The prices for a website depend heavily on different factors, such as:

  1. Type of website
    A homepage will cost much less than a complex online shop or multi-page booking platform.
  2. Design & web design
    Custom, web designer-created, or pre-built templates with an individual touch? Web design plays a big role in the prices.
  3. Functionality
    Would you also like to have special paid plugins on your website? Or special integrations that need to be developed additionally? (e.g. online payment gateway or booking systems)
  4. Content & SEO
    Do you want to create and upload the content of your website yourself or do you want the content to be professionally written and optimized for search engines?
  5. SEO optimization
    Professional SEO optimization (on-page, off-page, and technical) costs in addition to a website.

Cost trap or bargain?

Here are some tips to make the right decision and choose the right web design agency:

  • Research and references
    Check the work, reviews, and references of the web designer or web design and WordPress agency. A good job speaks for itself. Check whether the reviews are realistic and whether the references meet your personal expectations.When it comes to references, you should definitely look at the loading time of the websites and the responsiveness of the website.
  • Transparent pricing
    Make an appointment for a free consultation with the web design agency of your choice and make sure that you discuss all your wishes and expectations transparently in advance. All costs should be discussed in advance and there should be no hidden fees.
  • Long-lasting partnership
    A website needs regular updates and maintenance. A good agency also offers extensive support and online support after creation!

Ultimate Affordable Marketing Strategies

In contemporary online marketing, your website is a pivotal point for effective marketing strategies. With the right mix of content, responsive design, SEO and social media, you can reach your target group without breaking your budget. Good marketing leads to higher customer satisfaction and a better online presence.


A website is not just a tool – it is your online business card. Creating a website in Vienna is an investment in your brand. A professional, well-designed, and functioning online presence can make a significant difference. Our tip: Research thoroughly, plan ahead, and have your website designed by professionals in Vienna!


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