WordPress Support: Make the most of your website!

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Part 2: WordPress Support & Optimization: 13 more tips for the perfect online presence

In this blog on WordPress support you will find out even more tips to take your online presence to the next level and perfect it. Because perfection has no limit.

SEO optimization is important!

When it comes to creating a perfect online presence, correct and ongoing SEO optimization of your WordPress website is crucial. With SEO you can generate more organic traffic, improve your visibility in search results, generally optimize your website and reach your target group better online. Here are 3 tips for proper SEO optimization of your website:

Keyword research

Find the relevant keywords for your WordPress website that are tailored to your target group. After that, you should use these keywords in the page content, URLs, meta tags, and image descriptions. Our tip is to put yourself in the shoes of your target group and do some research 😊

Optimize the URL structure

Use descriptive URLs that contain relevant keywords rather than generic URLs with numbers and special characters.

Optimize page speed

Fast loading times are an important ranking factor. Many visitors leave your website quickly and won't give you a chance if the page loads too slowly! Optimize all images, use caching plugins and remove all used code and disable unnecessary plugins to improve your website speed.

Don’t forget! SEO optimization is not just a one-time task. SEO optimization requires constant monitoring, adjustment and updating! The search engine algorithms are constantly changing and you have to constantly update your WordPress website (on-page, off-page and technical). You can do this update, for example, with the help of backlinks or content creation.

With style & flexibility on every screen: responsive web design

In today’s mobile world and contemporary online marketing, responsive web design is a must! Here are some reasons why responsive design is essential:

Better user experience

With responsive web design you also get an optimal user experience. A responsive design automatically adapts to different screen sizes, enabling a better user experience on all devices. This in turn accounts for the majority of website traffic.

Higher conversion rates

With responsive web design you offer a visitor-oriented website to users. And users who have a positive experience on a well-designed, responsive website are more likely to take actions like making a purchase or filling out a form!

Better SEO ranking

Search engines prefer websites with responsive design and reward them with a higher ranking in search results.

Management of WordPress plugins

Plugins are perfect for extending the functionality of your WordPress website and maximizing your online presence, but an excessive number of plugins can impact performance and introduce security risks! Proper management and administration of all your plugins makes a big difference here.

Only necessary plugins

Only use the plugins that your WordPress website really needs. Therefore, deactivate or remove unused plugins. The fewer plugins, the better the loading time and performance of your WordPress website.

Regular updates

Keep all installed plugins up to date and make regular backups. This will close all security gaps and ensure the compatibility of your WordPress website with the latest WordPress version.

Check plugins

Before installing a new plugin, not only check the reviews but read everything about the plugin to make sure it is reliable and safe.

Online Marketing & Customer Support: excellent customer support makes a difference!

Fast response times

Respond to all inquiries and all support tickets as quickly as possible. It's best to also have an automatic response to make your users feel like their issues are being taken seriously. To do this, you should always keep the customer up to date.

Clear communication

Stay clear and precise in your communication to avoid misunderstandings. Always make sure the answers are easy to understand and helpful.

Provide resources

Offer guidance and resources to help your customers with questions and requests. You can also provide this information in the form of blog articles, video tutorials, or online webinars.

webhead - your pioneer & Contact person for online security & WordPress support

Based in Vienna, we are your contact point for extensive WordPress support and WordPress security. Contact us today, free of charge and without obligation, to turn your vision into reality.


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