SEO Optimization: 10 tips for a better SEO ranking

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10 tips for a better SEO ranking

Everyone who deals with search engine optimization knows from experience that there is no silver bullet for placing a website at the very top of Google’s rankings. This has to do with the fact that search engines are bound to complex algorithms. Consequently, intensive efforts are needed in terms of SEO optimization. If the following principles are observed, the result is definitely an improved status of the homepage. This simultaneously increases the probability of a ranking worth seeing.

Tip 1: Loading speed

The so-called “page speed” is an elementary point in search engine optimization. In short, the less time it takes for the homepage to load, the better. Long loading times are counterproductive and cause the bounce rate to skyrocket. Rule of thumb: It should take a maximum of three seconds for the website to load completely. After that, about half of all users switch to another page. To avoid this, it helps to keep the structure of the web page as simple as possible. Superfluous elements should be removed. Image files should be compressed. This reduces the file size and in turn, increases the loading speed, which drives SEO optimization.

Tip 2: Google Insights

The “Google Page Speed Insights” program offered by the popular search engine Google is a useful tool for checking the quality of a website. The tool is primarily available to web developers. It can also be used by SEO agencies in Austria. Insights helps to influence the SEO ranking by determining the loading speed of a page. A detailed report provides information about delaying elements and at the same time provides possibilities for improvement. Based on the classification, developers and SEO agencies in Austria like ours can initiate search engine optimization.

Tip 3: Make links

The relevance of a website usually increases with the number of links. If reference is made to other significant such as high-quality pages, this increases the value of one’s own page. This improves the level of the ranking. Outbound links or backlinks are therefore to be considered important.

Tip 4: Focus on emotional and relevant content

Purchasing processes are often based on irrational decisions. These decisions are made on the basis of generated emotions. Therefore, it is important to arouse positive feelings. This starts with the headline and continues with the text and images. If the user thinks “Yes, I need that”, the content has fulfilled its function.

Tip 5: Use keywords

In addition to emotionally charged speech, the use of keywords in search engine optimization must be considered. SEO optimization is only possible if the right keywords are in the right place. Attention: Too much can trigger the opposite effect.

Tip 6: Conduct analysis

Both “Google Analytics” and “Google Search Console” help with the analytical evaluation of a homepage. The analyses provide information about the sources of traffic and which terms the user enters to reach a certain topic page. The info is of high importance and indispensable tool in SEO optimization.

Tip 7: Meta description

The meta description is the text that appears below a link. Specifically, it is about the content of the website. A good meta description is like a good sales text and should be informative, short, and to the point. When used optimally, search engine optimization is guaranteed.

Tip 8: Keep URL simple

The actual web address is also of formative importance. SEO optimization can only be achieved if the URL is as simple as possible. It should contain one or more keywords and avoid strings of numbers or combinations of letters.

Tip 9: Social Signals

Another aspect that has a profitable effect on search engine optimization is the number of social signals. This includes likes, shares and (positive) comments. They provide information about the seriousness of the page operator and also create trust.

Tip 10: Unique content

The range of texts, images and videos on a web page should be unique. Copied or partially copied content devalues the page and makes it interchangeable. Therefore, attention should be paid to high-quality output with unique character. It ensures SEO optimization.


Search engine optimization depends on many steps. Ideally, they complement each other and fit together like a puzzle. Only the linkage of all mentioned points leads to the desired result and thus to a top ranking on the World Wide Web. The best thing to do is to put your own destiny in the hands of experts. They know what to do and achieve the best possible results for their customers. Therefore, hiring the right SEO agency in Austria is always the right decision.

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