How to perform a technical SEO audit? Simply explained and with instructions!

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The technical SEO, also known as technical SEO is a part of search engine optimization. The search engine optimization plays a big role for a better ranking (listing) on Google, an optimal and better visibility and a professional internet presence!

What is a technical SEO audit?

Technical SEO Audit but for now- what is technical SEO? Technical SEO is about optimizing the website so that it is easy for search engines to crawl and index. A technical SEO audit helps you to find the technical problems that hinder an easy “crawling” and indexing of your website for search engines. This hindrance has an impact on the ranking of your website. It is of great importance, especially for a website or a person/company with a web presence, to perform regular technical SEO audits. For blogs and personal websites, it is recommended to perform technical SEO audits weekly or monthly. Especially in the times when your Google ranking is not increasing, or even deteriorating, a technical SEO audit is important and quite useful.

Guidance on how to perform a technical SEO audit

Crawl your website!

Technical SEO Audit: How many URLs are there on your website? How many of these can be indexed? How many problems/bugs are there on your website that affect its performance? You will learn the answer to these questions by crawling your website. Use a tool that scans your website and check the URLs, indexations and also possible bugs.

Indexing issues

Detect your indexing problems through a technical SEO audit! If your website contains pages that Google cannot crawl, it may not be indexed properly at all. Some of the common indexing problems include: index errors, robots.txt errors, sitemap problems, etc.

Detect image problems correctly

Technical SEO Audit Tip: Make sure your images are error-free! Technical image problems include broken images, image files that are too large, missing alt text, etc. Image optimization is often overlooked, however, image optimization is critical to the technical SEO audit and is very important! Image optimization can improve your ranking on Google by a lot. This is because faster load times, better accessibility and more traffic from Google will improve your ranking.

Technical elements

Be sure to check technical on-page SEO elements (technical SEO audit). This includes elements such as page title, title tags, meta description and tags. Also, when performing a technical SEO audit, don’t forget to measure and check page speed, performance. Also make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, responsive and compatible with different browsers (Responsive Design).

Review links

Technical SEO Audit Tip: Whether they are internal links or external links, it is of great importance to make sure that they are active and do not lead to broken pages. Check if there are pages that no internal links lead to and check all your external and internal links. A links check through a technical SEO audit will help you increase the trustworthiness of your website for website visitors and search engines.

Well, now you know more about technical SEO and know exactly why technical SEO audit is one of the most important technical SEO activities on your website. As a professional SEO agency and web design agency, we will be happy to advise you on SEO optimization, technical SEO and assist you as competent and experienced SEO experts and specialists. Contact us for a free initial consultation.

Benefit now from our free and non-binding SEO analysis and receive a free report within days!

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