What to do in case of Privacy Violations? | Website Cookie

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Due to DSGVO violation: Lower Austrian lawyer sends first cease-and-desist letter, in which a contribution of 190 euros for a settlement is demanded and a request for information pursuant to Art. 15 DSGVO is made on behalf of the client.

In this blog, you will learn about the GDPR breach, what the reasons behind this warning are and how you can best proceed if you have received a GDPR breach warning.In this blog, you will learn about the GDPR breach, what the reasons behind this warning are and how you can best proceed if you have received a GDPR breach warning.

GDPR breach: What is the charge here and why?

DSGVO violation is accused due to a transfer of personal data (IP address of website users) to Google in violation of data protection due to the integration of Google Fonts/Webfonts on websites!

Why? Google provides a variety of fonts (typefaces; Google Fonts/Webfonts) for free and allows you to use different typefaces for free. There are two ways you can use Google Fonts on your website. The first is to embed them locally, and the second is to load them externally. Embedding Google Fonts locally does not result in a GDPR violation. But when loading Google Fonts externally, a data protection issue arises. The reason for this is: In this case, the fonts are stored on Google’s servers, and since the Google servers are connected in the USA, the user’s IP address (personal data) is transmitted to Google.

DSGVO violation warning received, what to do? How can I avoid a GDPR violation?

What to do if you have received such a lawyer’s email or want to avoid a GDPR violation:

Check whether the infringement is documented correctly! A detailed review of the data and the wording. The WKO recommends having the accusation legally and technically verified for the time being. If the allegations are not true, then report this to your lawyer in any case.

  • Observe the deadline! Act within the set deadline. Or by all means request a deadline extension of 1-2 weeks.
  • According to WKO, if you are affected by a DSGVO violation warning, you can register at the website of the WKO contact lawyer Dr. Schweiger:


  • Make sure your website is data protection compliant (even if you are not affected by it now)! In any case, check whether your website is data protection compliant.
  • Ensure a DSGVO-optimized integration of Google Fonts on your website. (e.g. local integration of Google Fonts, …).
  • Deactivation of Google Fonts! Deactivate and remove the Google Fonts on your website.

If disabling and removing Google Fonts/Webfonts on your website seems too technical, don’t worry, as an IT company you can trust us for one-stop DSGVO breach. Contact us for a check if your website is DSGVO compliant! We will also be happy to lift your problem and remove as well as disable the Google Fonts / Web Fonts on your website. Contact us, we will be happy to assist you and support you at any time.

Make sure your website is data protection compliant (even if you are not affected by it now)! In any case, check whether your website is data protection compliant.
Ensure a DSGVO-optimized integration of Google Fonts on your website. (e.g. local integration of Google Fonts, …).
Deactivation of Google Fonts! Disable and remove the Google Fonts on your website.


Avoid DSGVO breach: The best way here is to make your website privacy compliant no matter what! Check if you use Google Fonts on your website or if Google Fonts is built into your website and if your website is DSGVO compliant to avoid a DSGVO violation. We are also happy to do this for you, whether you need a check, a deactivation or a DSGVO-optimized integration of Google Fonts/Webfonts!

Do not worry if you have received a DSGVO violation warning. Get legal and technical advice and report it to the Chamber of Commerce (WKO).

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