Optimiere Deine WordPress-Website: Der ultimative Leitfaden für SEO-freundliche URL-Strukturen

Search engine optimization: Optimize your WordPress website: The ultimate guide to SEO-friendly URL structures

Introduction: The power of search engine optimization and the importance of an SEO-friendly URL structure in WordPress

In today’s digital world, a strong online presence is essential, and a website is often the centerpiece of that presence. For WordPress users, this means that their website should not only be appealing and user-friendly, but also optimized for search engines. This is where SEO, or search engine optimization, comes into play. Search engine optimization is the art and science of designing and maintaining your website so that it ranks higher in search engine results. Why is this important? Quite simply, the higher your website appears in search results, the more traffic and potential customers you can attract.

But search engine optimization is a broad field with many facets. One of these, and often overlooked, is the structure of your website’s URLs. URLs are the addresses of your web pages and can have a significant impact on your search engine optimization effectiveness. A clear, consistent and keyword-oriented URL structure not only helps search engines understand what your site is about, but also makes it easier for users to navigate and remember your website.

Basic search engine optimization principles and best practices

Search engine optimization encompasses a variety of techniques and best practices aimed at helping your website achieve higher positions in search results. These include:

Keyword research: Understanding what terms your target audience is searching for and using these keywords strategically in your content.

High-quality content: Create useful, relevant, and high-quality content that answers the questions and needs of your target group.

On-page SEO: Optimize individual web pages to rank for specific keywords. This includes title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags.

Technical SEO: Make sure your website is technically sound, loads quickly and is optimized for mobile devices.

Backlinks: Build high-quality backlinks that point to your site from other websites to give your website authority and credibility.

The role of URL structure in search engine optimization

An often overlooked but critical component of search engine optimization is the URL structure of your website. URLs are not just simple addresses of your web pages, they are also an important factor for ranking and user-friendliness.

A well-structured URL should contain the following:

Clarity and simplicity: The URL should be easy to read and understand, both for users and for search engines.

Use of keywords: Integrate relevant keywords into your URLs, but avoid keyword stuffing.

Consistency: Maintain a logical and consistent structure so that users and search engines can easily understand the structure of your website.

By making your URLs SEO-friendly, you not only improve the ranking of your website but also increase clarity and user-friendliness, which in turn can lead to higher user engagement and conversion. In the next sections, we will look in more detail at how you can create the perfect SEO-friendly URL structure for your WordPress website.

Customizing the URL structure in WordPress

Customizing the URL structure in WordPress is a crucial step in optimizing your search engine optimization efforts and helping your website stand out from the crowd. Fortunately, WordPress makes this process pretty simple. Here’s a detailed guide on how to customize the URL structure of your WordPress website to get the most out of your SEO strategy.

Step 1: Access the permalink settings

Login to the WordPress dashboard: Start by logging into your WordPress dashboard. This is your central point of contact for all administrative tasks on your website.

Navigating to the settings: In the left sidebar of the dashboard, you will find a variety of options. Move your cursor to “Settings” and you will see a drop-down list. Click on “Permalinks” to open the permalink settings.

Step 2: Choosing the right URL structure

In the permalink settings, you will see various options for your URL structure:

Standard: A simple, number-based structure. This option is not ideal from an SEO perspective, as it does not contain any relevant information about the content of the page.

Tag and name: This option inserts the publication date and the name of the post into the URL. Useful for news websites or blogs where the date plays an important role.

Month and name: Similar to “Tag and name”, but with less date detail. The publication date also plays a role in the URL here.

Numeric: A simple numeric structure. As with “Standard”, it offers few SEO advantages.

Post name: The title of the post is included in the URL here. This option is very SEO-friendly as it integrates relevant keywords into the URL and gives users a clear idea of what the page is about.

Custom structure: Here you can create a fully customized structure by using specific tags. This is useful for advanced customization and specific SEO strategies.

Step 3: Choosing the best option

For blogs: Using the ‘post name’ is often the best choice as it ensures your URLs are meaningful and keyword-rich. This improves clarity for users and search engines.

For company pages: Here a shorter URL may be more beneficial as it is easier to remember and share. In this case, a custom structure, perhaps containing just the category and post name, could be ideal.

Step 4: Saving the changes

Once you have chosen a structure that best suits your website, don’t forget to click on “Save changes” to apply your new permalink settings.


Be careful when changing the permalink structure on an existing website, as this can lead to “404 not found” errors on pages that are already indexed. In such cases, it is advisable to create redirects for old URLs to ensure that users and search engines are directed to the correct page.

By adapting the URL structure of your WordPress website, you not only improve the SEO ranking but also provide a better user experience. A well-thought-out URL structure can make all the difference when it comes to presenting your content in the digital world.

Our other WordPress services

WordPress provides a comprehensive ecosystem that contributes significantly to online success. Starting with specialized WordPress hosting, which stands for improved loading times, high reliability, and security, supplemented by automatic updates and regular backups. The WordPress performance of your website is noticeably increased by a variety of optimization tools, a key factor, especially for news and event-oriented sites.

When it comes to support, you can rely on the WordPress community, which offers comprehensive WordPress support. This includes help with technical problems, design issues, or the development of effective marketing strategies. For the security of your website, a wide range of WordPress plugins and tools are available to protect against malware and viruses. In the event of a security incident, there are also specialized services for WordPress malware & virus removal.

One of the biggest advantages of WordPress is its SEO friendliness. Through plugins such as Yoast SEO, the WordPress SEO of your site is improved, which is crucial to increasing the visibility and reach of your website. This is of great importance as a significant proportion of online inquiries are made via search engines.


Adjusting and optimizing your URL structure in WordPress is a crucial step on the road to improved WordPress SEO. However, it’s important to understand that this is just one part of a much bigger picture. WordPress SEO is like a complex puzzle where every piece counts and adds up to a great picture.

By applying the tips and strategies discussed in this blog, you have already taken an important step. An SEO-friendly URL structure can increase the user-friendliness of your website, improve its findability in search engines, and ultimately contribute to a better ranking.

In summary, optimizing your URL structure is a great place to start, but don’t stop there. Keep investing in optimizing your WordPress website, and you’ll see your efforts bear fruit. With patience, perseverance, and the right strategies, your WordPress website will be on its way to success.

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The services of webhead include: Webdesign Vienna, WordPress Webdesign, WordPress Support, Webdesign Redesign, Webshop, WordPress Plugin, SEO Vienna, SEO OnPage Optimization, SEO OffPage Optimization, SEO Competitor Analysis, SEO Keyword Research, technical SEO, and WordPress SEO.


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