5 great WordPress plugins for 2022!

Table of Contents

Have website created with the help of WordPress plugins! Most often, when creating a WordPress website, you come across the following questions: Which WordPress plugins are the most helpful? Which ones are high-quality and effective? In this small blog you will learn more about a small list of popular and high-quality WordPress plugins.

What is WordPress? WordPress is by far the most popular website platform in the world! Why? Because WordPress makes it easier and much faster to create a website. With the help of plugins, the creation process even becomes much shorter and easier! Plugins play a huge role in website creation and finding the perfect WordPress plugin can take a lot of time. WordPress plugins are important in website creation because the right plugin can add to the functionality or add a feature that a website absolutely needs to be fully functional. Practical and high quality WordPress plugins have a lot of different features!

The WordPress plugin wpDataTables is able to create tables and charts from massive amounts of data (e.g. millions of rows!) in seconds compared to most WordPress plugins. Why do we find wpDataTables unique? Because we are not talking about ordinary tables and charts, but excellent easy to design tables and charts! These can be made responsive, interactive (interactive), easily editable and manageable.

  • With wpDataTables you can work with data from different sources and in different formats (Excel, CSV, XML, SON, PHP and more).
  • With wpDataTables you have a direct access to: js, HighCharts and Google Chart libraries (libraries)
  • wpDataTables has a lot of functions for sorting and filtering data.
    Tables and data can be: readable, informative, manual, sorted by colors.
  • You can learn more about wpDataTables on WordPress and on the wpDataTables

Category: tables, data, charts, wordpress

With WordPress plugin Essential Grid you can create unique and premium galleries. You can showcase products, premium videos and impressive portfolios. Here you can choose from a variety of screen layouts, and also customize rows, columns and spacing.

You can learn more about Essential Grid at Essential Grid
Category: Image, Gallery, Videos, WordPress

In a nutshell: SEO is important and extremely useful! There are many reasons why you should do SEO optimization and why SEO is useful. And an excellent SEO optimization plays a big role in the web presence, web presence and in the ranking of a website. Nowadays, the website is considered as an online business card and also the first impression of searchers and your potential customers. Being on the first page of a search engine (on Google, Bing …) makes a big difference. And you can do that with an optimal SEO.

WordPress plugin Amelia is an automated booking system that can track and record an unlimited number of appointment bookings for an unlimited number of clients. This automated booking system can take place on multiple sites and from a single dashboard. Why is this WordPress plugin unique? Because it automates, simplifies and optimizes your booking processes on your WordPress website.

With Amelia WordPress plugin, your customers can make, change or cancel appointment bookings online 24/7. These appointments can also be arranged by your customers with specific employees and then also receive reminders and follow-up appointments. The booking forms here can also be customized to match your brand and style. Through this automated booking system, service businesses (spas, gyms, health centers, …) can benefit.

Learn more about Amelia on WordPress and on the Amelia
Category: booking system, event, appointments, WordPress

WordPress plugin WordLift helps web designers to further optimize search engine features. This WordPress plugin allows to create a custom AI-driven “Knowledge Graph”. Web designers can use this “Knowledge Graph/Knowledge Graph” to build the expertise, trustworthiness and authority (authority) of your website. Even more, you can use this wordpress plugin to help Google better understand the content (content) of your WordPress website. WordLift also helps as a WordPress plugin with your knowledge about SEO (SEO training).

You can learn more about WordLift on WordPress and on the Wordlift
Category: SEO, Search Engine Features, SEO Training, WordPress

5. Smart import

smart import is the ultimate WordPress plugin for importing, dropshipping and mapping on WordPress. With advanced functionality, special features and automatic system updates and scheduling options, smart import simplifies and streamlines the entire import process for you on WordPress. With the help of customization, automations of systems and features, accurate mapping and pre-scheduling of imports, smart import is a top-notch WordPress plugin. The many special features make smart import a perfect plugin on WordPress: faster, easier and more accurate!

Learn more about smart import on WordPress and on the smart import website.
Category: import, dropshipping, tables, wordpress

Well, now you know more about plugins and some WordPress plugins and their functions. But you may not know where and how to start? Or you don’t want to search for a plugin for a long time and want a plugin with special features? We will gladly take over for you! We will find a first-class plugin for you, write/modify it (on request), install and set it up professionally on your website. Get in contact with us. We are glad to be there for you.

Here you can see a small collection of our successful and long-term reference projects. Have your website created by webhead- the SEO and web design agency! You can rely on our expertise in the IT industry, especially in web design, WordPress plugin and SEO.

Are you interested in an SEO analysis incl. SEO consulting? You can book our free and non-binding SEO analysis now and receive a free report including your personal SEO analysis within days!

These posts might also interest you: Is SEO useful?, Everything you always wanted to know about SEO, Subsidies in Austria, SEO prices at a glance, Webdesign Austria.


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