Have website created – what is usability?

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Often, factors such as user-friendliness (usability) are forgotten when having a website created. Questions like “How difficult is it to navigate your website? Do the colors of your website make it difficult to read? Can users with visual or hearing impairments use your website easily?” should be considered when creating a website or optimizing a website.

So how can you find out what works on a website when having it created? Short answer: testing and analyzing your pages, your content and designs (usability testing).

What is usability?

Definition of user-friendliness/usability:

Usability refers to the quality of use experienced by the user when interacting with a product, system, or service.”

What does that mean in more detail? Usability or user-friendliness refers to the user-friendly, simple and easy-to-use design of websites.

The usability of a website or app depends on how easily users can navigate through the pages and whether the product or function appeals to users personally and meets their needs.

What makes a website user-friendly?

Now you have an idea of what usability is when having a website created, but what makes a website a user-friendly website?

Below are 4 characteristics of a user-friendly website:

                     1.Optimization for mobile devices

With more and more people accessing the internet on their smartphones, creating a mobile optimized website has become a requirement. When you have a website created, check if your website is optimized for mobile devices. You can use the Google Mobile Site Tester to find out!

                     2. Loading time (pagespeed)

Nothing is more unpleasant for users than a web page that takes a long time to load. The importance of fast loading web pages is so great that Google has included web page speed in its search algorithm! Why? Because faster websites have happier users and if a website is slow to respond, visitors will spend less time there. To evaluate the speed of your website, you can use tools like Google PageSpeed.

                     3. Accessibility for all users

A user-friendly website should also be barrier-free. That means accessible to everyone, including the blind, disabled or elderly (accessibility). When you have a website created, you should also think about accessibility in addition to usability.

                     4. Good content

When you have a website created, the use of videos and images, the proper use of headings, sub-headings, content (the information), etc. is very important! Because the average user is more likely to skim the content of a web page!

Images play a significant role in supporting content and can help users read and skim your website quickly.

In addition to good content and images, another way to grab the attention of your website visitors is through the use of videos. Like images, videos can be used to support or emphasize the content on your website.


Usability plays a big role! Usability is one of the factors that distinguishes a professional site from others. When you have a website created, it’s always good to put yourself in the shoes of your users before making a final decision.

You want to have a website created and you don’t know exactly how and where to start? As a web design agency, we are here to help and advise you. We design you a highly professional website and realize your ideas. Contact us about having your website created, we know exactly how good web design goes!

Does your website need an SEO analysis? We will gladly do it for free and without obligation! We will send you your free SEO analysis within days. Trust in our competence and experience as a web design agency, especially in matters of website creation, web design and SEO.

These articles might also interest you: What exactly is web design, Have website created, What is WordPress, Web agency and web design, Web design prices.


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