Have website created – at a glance

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Nowadays, your online presence is your business card! With a highly professional website you can show your professionalism on the web, make an excellent first impression and also present your brand and company to your potential customers in the best possible way.

Do you want to have your own website created and want to learn more about WordPress? In our blog “What is WordPress” have summarized the most important things about WordPress for you.

What is important when you want to have a website created?

Have website created: briefly listed

1.choose the right domain

Make the right decision when choosing a domain! Because your domain is the address of your website and how users will also remember your website.

2.website layout

How many pages should your website have? The majority of websites have a home page, about us page, a contact us page, privacy policy and imprint (and 404 page). Now here you need to think about what pages you want to have on your website.

Optional ones are for example:

  • Services page: Describe your services/services
  • Products page: overview of the products you offer
  • Projects page: offer information by publishing and listing already successfully managed projects
  • FAQ page: a page with frequently asked questions
  • Blog page: topic-related contributions (blog posts)
  • Inquiry: inquiry customized for visitors (possibly as a pop-up)

Testimonials/Reviews: Publication of testimonials, opinions and/or ratings

     3.Composition And Layout

Composition is a visual building block for web design and when creating your own website. Elements such as typography, UI and UX design, determining a consistent color scheme, providing the basics of a layout, etc. create visual clues for website visitors and are of great importance.


Do you want to have additional features on your website, possibly additional plug-ins, if so how many? Do these plug-ins need to be written and coded? Finding the right plug-in is usually a long process.

5.technical (back-end)

The technical part of a website includes many elements, e.g. security, privacy, HTML, CSS, hosting, dynamic content with PHP, … A strong back-end prevents coding errors, bugs and hacking. The technical implementation of a website is of great importance when creating a website.


The website should be best optimized for the latest versions of the most popular browsers (Google, Bing, …).


What you put as content on your website is entirely up to you. It should preferably be relevant, SEO optimized and appropriate. There are three points that we believe are most important for successful websites: Design, Security and Content.

8.Optional: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Have website created and also be found on search engines: With the help of targeted search engine optimization (SEO), you can greatly improve your ranking and be found more easily on search engines (Google, Bing, …).

Have website created: Cost

Have website created- what does it cost? Since transparency is our top priority, our prices are available online on our website! In general, when having a website created, the costs are also highly dependent on the requirements, wishes and features.

Have website created: the way to your own website!

Have your website created by webhead: We plan your project in detail and implement it conscientiously and are always at your disposal. Our reference projects will convince you! The following is an overview of our work process for creating a website.

one webhead

Initial interview; conception phase

After contacting you, your goals, wishes and ideas are defined in a personal initial meeting. After an extensive conception phase we start with the project launch.

two webhead


Wir stellen Ihnen die erste Live-Version Ihrer Website vor! Hier geschieht eventuell eine Überarbeitung oder Erarbeitung des persönlichen Contents (Feinarbeiten) nach Besprechung.

three webhead


We present you the first live version of your website! Here possibly a revision or elaboration of the personal content (fine work) happens after discussion.

four webhead


Mit Ihrer Zufriedenheit starten wir das Deployment! Jetzt befindet sich Ihr Projekt im Netz!

Well, now you know more about having a website created, the steps, the costs and the work process. If you want to know more and don’t know where to start, we are at your disposal!

You already have a website and want to know what the SEO state of your website is? You can now book a free and non-binding SEO analysis on our website (free, non-binding and all online!) and receive a free report with your very own personal SEO analysis incl. SEO consulting within days!

These posts might also interest you: What is WordPress?, 5 great WordPress plugins for 2022, Does SEO make sense?, Subsidies in Austria, Webdesign Vienna.


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