What makes a website user-friendly? (Web design)

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What is usability, what makes a website user-friendly, what is good usability? In order to have a highly professional and optimized website created, you need to take a closer look at usability (user-friendliness) in web design. A good website should always be easy to use by all users. Only then they will visit this site regularly. Usability plays a big role in homepage creation!

“What is Usability?” Read our blog post “Have website created – what is usability?” and learn more about usability in web design.

What makes a website user-friendly?

Below are 4 features that make a website user-friendly.

                    1. Define target group

In order to have a web agency create a user-friendly website, you need to know the exact audience of your website. Each group uses its own language. The terms used are tailored specifically to your target group. The problems and peculiarities of the target group are incorporated into the design and personalize your website. To get to know the addressees, it may be necessary to hire a market research institute.

                    2. Wide access options

Many people use the Internet via different devices. It is important that this is considered when creating the homepage! The web design should be equally well received on smartphone, tablet and computer. The addressees can then access the website in all ways. This is also called “optimization for mobile devices” in web design.

                    3. Easy to understand and grasp

After a user opens a page on the Internet, he quickly decides whether he will continue to use it. The first impression determines whether it is perceived as understandable or complicated. Pleasant language is only one aspect of this. The understanding of the context must also be quickly grasped. A web design agency makes sure that those interested understand within seconds what the possibilities of visiting the website are and designs the website accordingly. When you have a website created, you must know that good content is of great importance!

                    4. Clear web design

When opening each page, the web agency will choose a similar design. Why? People of the target group visiting your homepage need to know where they are at every moment. Jumping back and forth on the different pages should be uncomplicated. Every single page should open quickly and be immediately usable. A reasonable loading time (pagespeed) is also very important when having your website created!

How do you measure usability?

Following the homepage creation, a precise review is useful. A UX audit shows you which areas need subsequent improvement. The goals of the users are closely scrutinized for this purpose. This is how professional web designers of a web design agency find out whether the desired success of the client has been achieved. Various tracking tools show, for example, at which point the web visit was terminated. This can provide information about which area of the page users find bulky or confusing. Various use cases help to subsequently scan the website. If no more obstacles are detected, the page can be classified as user-friendly.

When is something user-friendly?

User-friendliness is defined by the fact that the quality and application of a product is clearly recognizable. Accessibility is now also counted among this characteristic. Every person must be able to open and use the website. For a homepage creation to be considered barrier-free, various features must be observed.

Some of these features in web design are:

Scalability allows letters to be resized to the size needed. Fonts must still be legible. Proper responsiveness means that messages can be delivered to all devices. Blind people who have a reading device can hear the page from it. For this purpose, the structure must be meaningful. Images must always be accompanied by the appropriate accompanying text. Navigation should be possible not only by mouse but also by keystroke. High-contrast fonts and images not only help people with a visual impairment to see the content clearly. If a website is written in German, it should be written in High German. In addition, simple language can be chosen. People with a cognitive impairment are thus still able to understand the content. People who only speak German to a limited extent can also use the website in this way. If you have an accessible website created, it will always be user-friendly as well. In the future, this attribute will be required by many sites.


The usability of a website always determines its success. A high-quality homepage creation is therefore crucial. Companies that have their website professionally created will always benefit from a successful web agency and from a successful Internet presence! In order for the website to be user-friendly, the creator must first define the target group. Then the operating can let create the suitable website. A web design agency is specialized in exactly that, to design the structure of the internet presence. Benefit now from our expertise in the IT industry & web design and arrange a free consultation now! A small selection from our reference projects (apps, web design, SEO, store and website) will surely convince you. Let us create your website – with competence, professionalism and quality!

Does your website need a website check? Take the chance to have your website analyzed by our experts for free and without obligation through our “SEO Consulting and SEO Analysis“!

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