What is responsive web design and why is it important?

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Responsive Design - Why is it important to have a responsive website?

Everyone is talking about it now, but most of them don’t really know what responsive web design actually is and what makes it special. The term was first “thrown onto the internet” by Ethan Marcotte in 2010. In this article we explain exactly what it is all about and why responsive web design is both present and future at the same time. Enjoy reading!

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design comes from the English and means ” reactive web design ” or “adapting web design”. You know it from many outdated websites that do not have a responsive web design: If you open the page on the computer , everything looks wonderful and all links can also be clicked without any problems. If you now open the same page on the smartphone , everything is shifted and some points and images have completely disappeared. This is mainly due to the fact that the website was developed ages ago, when there were no tablets or smartphones and everything was always done on the good old computer. Responsive web design was not necessary back then, although it is now a must .


This means that every design (or every design ) of a respective website adapts to the size and shape of the device used on every device and can/should therefore be displayed optimally. It behaves here (for a better understanding) somewhat like water, which fills all the gaps when poured onto an uneven surface. But enough of the metaphors: A responsive web design always looks optimal on the tablet, smartphone, computer or laptop and nothing is crooked or out of sight or click range. Even if you turn the smartphone and the display switches to full-screen mode, everything always adapts perfectly thanks to the responsive web design.

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What distinguishes a responsive website?

A responsive website is characterized above all by straightforwardness and accuracy of fit. Tables of contents, submenus, images and other elements of a website always adapt to the resolution of the end device and therefore leave the visitor with an extremely professional impression.

Why is responsive design important?

Since smartphones, tablets, notebooks and handhelds will not remain the last technical achievements of the advanced media world, responsive design is more important today than ever before. Newer and more unusual devices and gadgets are constantly coming onto the market, which should always be connected to the Internet. In the near future there may even be star-shaped or trapezoidal devices that we have never seen before. Here, too, the design of the existing websites must be adapted immediately in order to be displayed correctly. This is why responsive design is so important.

Webdesign Agency Vienna – How we create your website

The webhead team has specialized in website creation for over 15 years . Accordingly, we were able to study and follow the development of the responsive design over the years and use it successfully for our customers. In the meantime, we can also call ourselves real professionals in this area and are therefore able to transform any of your ideas into a responsive website. We can also equip existing websites with a responsive design. This can be an app, shop, blog, streaming service or another area. We are always “responsive” in every area and adapt!


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