Techniques for improving web accessibility Web accessibility is closely linked to the rise of the internet and requires that all...

Funding Digitization 2023 (Austria) Nowadays it has become not only almost, but actually already a duty to get at least...

Nowadays, if you want to have a website created, you have a wide range of options . But why should...

Responsive Design – Why is it important to have a responsive website? Everyone is talking about it now, but most...

Let’s say you want to buy a washing machine. Like most people, you want to get information online in advance...

What is usability, what makes a website user-friendly, what is good usability? In order to have a highly professional and...

Often, factors such as user-friendliness (usability) are forgotten when having a website created. Questions like “How difficult is it to...

The technical SEO, also known as technical SEO is a part of search engine optimization. The search engine optimization plays...

When creating a website – especially a homepage – you usually come across the same questions. What exactly is web...

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